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Why so much Halo hate?

Ever since the release of Halo 3, I've seen a swarm of comments and criticism aimed towards Halo 3. Much of the time it even seeps into topics that have nothing to do with the game. People whining about how it isn't that revolutionary, it was simply in the right place at the right time, the graphics aren't that good, the game mechanics are the same as any other shooter, they borrowed ideas from other games... Each time I hear these I can't help but shake my head at the utter ignorance of people desperately trying to find a way to explain something they don't understand. Here is one simple fact: if it wasn't that good, it wouldn't sell so many copies.

Now, I know those words quickly draw those stereotypical arguments I mentioned before to mind, but I have a few points to consider. Let's break them down by each of the major points.

1. It was in the right place at the right time.

For the most part this is true. At the time of the first Halo release Xbox players were starving for a good shooter. Goldeneye showed that console FPS could be done well, and got people really excited about the concept. However, here is the critical flaw in this argument. No matter how well timed a game can be, if the game does not deliver a quality product, it won't succeed. Be honest. If they released some garbage game like Perfect Dark Zero (no offense to the fans of this game), would it have been gobbled up and made into a billion dollar franchise like Halo was? Halo succeeded because it offered something to the gaming community no other game did, and it was not the release date.

2. The graphics aren't that good.

To this I ask one question, since when have we as gamers measured the quality of a game by graphics alone? Sure they are important, but are we really going to call a game a failure because it has a few less polygons? When I look on the graphics, I'm more than satisfied, and if they were any better, I'd suspect those multiplayer games we cherish so much wouldn't fun quite as smooth. The graphics may not be the best the console can offer, but they are smooth, crisp and get the job done. I don't need to see a bead of sweat rolling down the inside of a Spartans thigh to get into a game. I just need it to look good enough to absorb myself in the experience.

3. The game isn't that revolutionary.

Since when was it supposed to be? Even in the advertisements all they say is "New weapons, new maps." It was never meant to be a complete overhaul, so why are you using this as an argument? Do you have so few elements of contention that you have to put words in other people mouths to have the illusion of winning an argument? It wasn't meant to be new or different, just Halo in HD with a few new toys.

4. They borrowed others ideas.

Granted, map editors and game film are REALLY common to any strategy or RPG gamer, but for FPS, that is pretty new. Yes, people can use their capture cards and put together some cool clips and/or movies, but that required extra hardware and a little work. Now, it is as simple as an all rockets game. Is it totally new? No. Is it cool and more accessible than your average console FPS gamer is used to yes. It is not the end all be all of the game, just a small new toy for people to play with.

Basically, my point is don't say a game doesn't deserve the hype or the sales simply because you don't enjoy it or understand why others do. It was hyped because millions of people had, played and still play Halo 2, and Halo 3 delivered exactly what it promised: new weapons, maps and a slightly more modern look for a game many gamers already held dear. Games do well on more than just release dates and chance. They earn a following because they are good, plain and simple. Each fan has their own reason for liking it, just like you have your reasons for not, so relax. Enjoy the games you consider to be better and stop stressing out about a game that has brought gaming joy to millions of people, not to mention expanded the gaming market so companies can afford to bring more games to our table in general. Take care all, have fun and game on!