Strange that she didn't realize - you cannot sell 1960 - 1970 Wonder Woman to 2021 audience.
Or any other hero, mind you. Imagine Adam West's Batman in next Batman movie.
The other thing that doesn't work for me is, "women don't want gritty violent WW". Was it supposed to be a film targeting only female audience? Most ladies I know were more interested in Chris Pine, anyway. Just as most of my male friends are happy to see beautiful female superhero who is also proper badass Amazon, but were denied.
I'm yet to meet anyone, lady or gent, who prefers WW84 to original WW.
@Renunciation: I'm with you. Besides, I have been on PS Plus for the past 10 years, give or take. That should be around 250 - 300 games in my PS3 and PS4 library... For around USD5 a month (discounted price when renewing subscription for 12 months in advance, here in New Zealand). Since I haven't played many of these games - no time, since I buy and play 60 - 80 games in every generation, beside PS Plus games - I'd really see no value for another subscription.
Still. For new gamers, with little or no previous involvement - having access to hundred(s) of games as soon as console is unpacked, it is a big deal. If I was a parent, I'd be worried of giving my kid instant access to that many games. Who is going to walk the dog? :)
@gamer112696: True, there's danger of that... but I believe they would still try to sell hardware reasonably priced, in order to get it to as many homes as possible... majority of profit, over the generation's lifetime, comes from software and subscriptions, after all.
On top of that... one platform would reduce development and manufacturing costs.
They would still compete... but on software side. Without platform exclusivity, devs would be less protected... say if both Forza and GT are developed for that unified platform, and one is much better than the other, that one could sell much more copies than they sell now, while the other one would flop because there would be no security behind one or the other platform's exclusivity (as we have right now). Game could not succeed by being best (or good enough) on specific platform - it would have to be best overall.
Alternatively, once specs are agreed upon, all 3 could make their own consoles with small variations. Storage size and type (SSD, hybrid, HDD). ODD speed or absence of it. Form factor, additional USB and other ports (card reader? etc). Maybe some other elements that would not hurt core compatibility. Like MSX standard back in 8-bit home computers days.
@pcps4xb: It is good batch of release/early life games. I think we can thank that to same architecture with PS4. Much easier to port tech to new gen.
For example GT7, looks like GT Sport with proper campaign. HUD is identical to GT Sport on PS4; so I'm presuming it is the same engine/core game with extra content and beefed up visuals that will also work on PS4 (but without extra eye-candy). Some other games will also have inferior PS4 variants. It is much easier to invest in developing games for new gen when you can rely on selling a lot of copies to old-gen owners, too.
Not to be misunderstood, I think that moving to standard x86 platform, from PS4/X1 and forward, was the best move both Sony and MS could have done.
@KahnArtizt: Game with both Peter and Miles could be interesting, imho. They are similar but do have some different powers (which can be further diferentiated/customized in game). I think that switching between them two would be more interesting than switching between Peter and MJ in original game.
@wtersad: Peter Parker died in Marvel's ULTIMATE universe. Actually I think he has returned - as per immortal Stan Lee's words, "everyone dies in Marvel universe, no one stays dead" - but then decided that Miles is worthy and retired to live with MJ as a normal guy.
Miles was created when Obama has won his first term. Marvel has figured that historic moment of first African-American president does inspire revisiting some of their major characters. Probably both political correctness and sound commercial decision.
nikon133's comments