After playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl I've come to realize or rather reinforce three things:
1.) The subspace emmisary makes me want to see a Nintendo adventure game that includes most of its characters all in one game. Something like Kingdom hearts. I mean Nintendo charcters do fit together nicely. Metroid, Star Fox and F-Zero all work together. Mario and Zelda fit together beautifully. Zelda and Peach could be friends. And pokemon, Donkey Kong and Kirby etc could be worked in.
2.) I want a Kid Icarus game badly! There are some rumors out there about Factor 5 making a new Kid Icarus game, I hope So. He is bad ass in SSBB.
3.) Pokemon Stadium sucks! Why can't nintendo make a 3D pokemon adventure game that works like Diamond and Pearl (or Red and Blue for that matter) but in 3D. One where you can control the character and walk around on foot and catch pokemon, Collesium come close but no cigar. And the polemon should be able to be controlled individually not this turn based sh!t. During battle the player should be able to control the pokemon something like in Brawl. (Ever used Pikachu vs Pokemon traier in the stadium stage in Brawl, it makes u realize how bad the turned based Pokemon Stadium styled games are).
What do you think? Do you agree? If so lets all send e-mails, petitions and letters to Nintendo requesting these awesome games.
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