nin752545 / Member

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Mind of the MAR: So... I been missing from the internet...

Seriously... I was missing from the internet...

Why I keep talking about it i will get to that. To get to the meat of things, we moved and needed to transfer our internet service from the old place to the other. It didn't go well. We got the go around when all they had to do was send someone to the new apartment. They played the " we will be there in 3-5 days" card for two weeks on us and finally we said screw At&t we are done with them. Sadly We might go for for Clear internet service but I hope we get internet from Comcast. No they are not the best but they are better than At&t and I know that by experience. So, to all who have wondered why I haven't played any XBL for a while, there is your answer. No internet at the crib yet. Plus for a while the internet at work (also by At&t) has been acting up. So without any problems so far right now, it has worked nicely. I worry that it will die since this is day4 of me trying to blog and everytime i am finished, the internet decides to die. Hope it doesn't happen now. Other than that I will thank all of whom have been reading my blogs as of lately. Plus for those who know of DigEgames I also thank you for the support you have been showing us. It means a lot to us and we couldn't ask for a better audience. For now, I will just say... **** YOU At&t... Big time!!!

Wow. Only missed out on... a bunch!!!!

So let me get this strait? I have been missing so much off of the internet. Yes it is that much of an importance to my everyday life. Where I am left with so much to go through in the next few days all because i missed two weeks of information. That sucks so badly. Yes I can read newspapers and watch the news, but its not the same to me. Having to wait for information rather have at the press of one button. So I am a little happy for it since it gives me something to do. Not bad at all I will say. I can manage that with what limited internet I have at the time of this blog. **** YOU At&T!!!

Quick wrap-up

I want to make this blog short because on my time off the internet I came up with a ton of stuff to blog about. So sorry to say I don't have the time to do so now since I am at work but I will get back on track via DigEgames headquarters. Once again thank you all who read this and watch the DigEgames livestreams and videos. Keep on dropping that bass cannon!!! I will be back with another blog tomorrow.