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The Mind of the MAR: Dark Knight Rises...

So much has happened this weekend that I can never really say that something like this whole past 4 days can never be repeated. So much was to be expected for this week but never will anyone come out and see things in the same light. I am truely in amazement, sadness, and shock for how this week ended. All because of a movie. I know the people who read this already know what I'm talking about, but just... wow. I am only a spectator of life and for what everything, I am in so many positions on how everything ended up. Without further adew, I will explain myself.

Dey-shay De-shay

Let me get to the elephant in the room. The Colorado shooting was of course one of the worst things to have happened in recent memory. I will not get into the story, but I will get into what my thoughts are. I really do not like to go to midnight movie showings usually because there are just way too much of outside things happening for me to enjoy the movie. Always a baby or two, the nerds who dont shut up at all during the movie, kids not being watched making dumb sounds and throwing things. So when it comes to me even going to those midnight showings, I really have to be with a group that is in my regular element, such as my friends. Thse things didn't even pass my mind when I heard at first that some 24 year old maniac with his hair painted red and with full body armor that he put on with 3 weapons and started shooting up everyone in his path... I was really just a little angry. Why? because of guys like him, its impossible for many people to enjoy life without the thought of getting killed at any moment. I hate men like him. We all had to sit there and hear about so many people who were either killed, shot, or for those who managed to get away. The sadness was felt all around me while going to see the movie as well. Its not everyday you hear about something so sick and saddening. This maniac told cops " I am the Joker" which as many people can guess that he means the last villian in the last batman movie prior to the one that came out this past weekend. As a person who likes to mess with minds and find out true intentions of human nature. I can only say this. ( I am in no way trying to say something nice about this sick indavidual but I just want to only understand him) I believe this man did his homework well. For what he wanted to accomplish was to bring chaos to a small area and causing it to effect the world. Why would I say this? How do I know this? As i read and hear about this person I see a smart young man who just gave up on life and wanted to cause something so dark and evil that he will forever be remembered as a true villian.I believed he used the persona of " The Joker" because this is the most recent memory we have for what the embodiment of chaos is. Its obvious that he doesn't believe in real world terrorist, because if he did, he would name one of them rather a fictional character. Also since this is a batman movie, why not use the one villian everyone will remember from the last Batman film? Joker was something that everyone seen as a crazy and scary person because he brought out the worst in people by using fear and chaos. This man wanted the same thing. He planned everything out well so he won't get caught. I feel kind of sad just admiting this... but this man was a sick genius. I only wish he could have used his mind for more better things like curing Cancer or finding a new energy source to help others, not kill people while they are living their life ( I honestly hope people do not hate me for saying this). For everyone who had to be there, or even related to those who were there, my heart goes to all of you. I only pray that people take the message this can give. Which is live life. No matter what we are never garenteed tomorrow. I for one cannot live another day in fear of my own life. Chaos has no shape or form. It only has an after effect. We as a race of emotional beings must remember this. We can live life and have fear, just don't let it run you.

Bah-sur-rah Bah-sur-rah

Now to what I want to say about The Dark Knight Rises. Yes this is gonna have spoilers to possibly all 3 movies. So please do not write to me being angry because I said something. Spoilers will be put here.

The Dark Knight Rises pretty much put this trilogy as the best one yet. Yes over Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and any other movie trilogy you can think of. Why? This is more grounded in realism and can actually happen. There is so much emotion that it just blows my mind just thinking about it. Every batman movie before this one was just really more about show and not too much about being realistic. Chris Nolan has out done himself and this last movie he did wasn't gonna even happen. Bruce Wayne is at his best here. Of course I know many will say they came to see batman but we get as much of batman as we always have. Bruce Wayne in the entire movie is the real Bruce, not the playboy Bruce that he uses to trick people. one of my favorite parts of the movie is where there is a maskarade ball going on and he is the only one without a mask. simply just wonderful to see. Before this movie I loved Batman Begins. Really just because it was the genesis of the hero we all know and love. We got to see why he became the Dark Knight and not just some mini talks about his past. We got to see a villian that used fear against Batman to beat him, and we also see the real power of the League of Shadows. I was happy to see them and not Penguin, Riddler, Poison Ivy...etc. I do like the other characters, but I know all of them since i grew up watching the animated series. I know really all of the villians but to use lesser characters to set a mood of reality was just amazing. Anyway, I didn't feel anything was off. Bane is my new favorite villian on screen, somply because we got to see a person not only smart but also more stronger than Batman. He does not need tricks to beat him. He has fists that are just as deadly as him, and he can, and did break our hero. DAMN I FELT THE PAIN!!! everything played out so much more better than any batman film so far. Catwoman from begining to end felt like a wonderful edition to the film. She wasn't really catwoman but a cat thief. Speaking of which, they pretty much shat on Bruce's life. His mind, body, spirit, and finance were gone at about the second half of the film. Just wow for this man. All of the movie was pretty much perfect in my standards and I will say that this was one of my highlights of the summer. I will not kill too much of the movie but I will say that freshen up on Batman Begins before seeing this one.

I really don't know what else to say, but just leave a comment or message me on any thiughts on anything you would like to talk about.