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ninjaX226 Blog

I have found my answer to life.

Hello people whats up!:D

Well its only a couple of days until the realease of Persona 4, so I decided to hurry up and finish P3F "The Answer" before it comes out. The bosses were throws who would spam all my weaknesses, but through some hard training, and some incredibly powerful personas(Koryu FTW) I finally was able to beeat them all and reach the end( though Erebus was a peice of cake compared to Nyx Avatar in "The Journy" considering it took me 3 hours to beat him when it only took me about 20 min to beat Erebus). The ending was great and all my memories of the game came back at once, yep good times. P3F now holds a perminate place in my heart and memories.

Well there are only 2 days till the realeas of P4 and I am extremely exited!^_^ I hope it will be as good as( or better) P3F( though I doubt it will be as epic:P). Anyway I'm really exited, I preordered my copy so I get the extra art book and other stuff:D! Anyway to celebrate its release I made myself a new banner with my favorite P4 charater Naoto!^^( though there is no way I will ever replace my Metis banner on gamespot^^)

Well thats all for this blog. Cya!*gives everyone leftover churros from my last blog*



Thats right everyone, I'm back!:P (if any of you are still out there._.)

Yes, I know its been forever since I posted a blog, I've just been busy with stuff like games and high school( which is awesome btw!), but now I'm back to my old blog posting self!

I changed my icon and banner again to celebrate my glorious return, both are Gurren Lagann themed. NOW ALL OF YOU BOW DOWN BEFORE YOUR NEW SPIRAL KING!:twisted:

On a side note, I got Ultimate Ninja Storm, which is awesome:P

For those of you who have been to my blog before, you know its not my blog unless it has..........


Well enjoy!:D

Good bye:P



Won't be back till Sunday/ Help me choose my banner

Now that my first day of high school is over, all the freshman go on a 3 day trip to New York for a retreat were they get to know each other. So I won't be back on till sunday( and the finally of Code Geass will be waiting for me when I get back :D), wish me luck.:P

Also its that time of the year again, where I change my banner so help me choose between the 2 I made.

They both have Hein on them. They are pretty much exactly alike, but different fonts and I changed the hue on one of them to make it red.

Hei Banner 1

Hei Banner 2

So which do you like better?


First day of High School T_T

Today was my first day of high school. It was...ok. I didn't get lost:D and I know my way around the school. We got out t 11 today since it was the first day, but we had to wait in line at school to buy our books, so I didn't get back till 1:00. I hope the rest of the year will be that easy.

On an anime note, I finished Darker than Black and Persona Trinity Soul, and now I'm running out of anime series again:cry:


I'm back/ Last day of summer T_T

I finally finished that book I had to read and now, I'm back(though sometimes I sneaked on:twisted: ). I was actually pretty entertaning, but it moved at a slow pace.

Today my last day of vacation!!!T_T Tommorow I have to start my first day of high school. I'm both excited and nervous at the same time.


Won't be on for a week T_T

I'm not alowed on the computer until I finish reading this book, "The Secret Life of Bees" for school and knowing me, it'd probably take a week T_T

Also I changed my icon. Its Hei(Li) from Darker Than Black with sharingan.



*in too much shock from the epicness of today's Code Geass episode to post a blog*

I C0NTINUE TOO FIGHT! (Caps is reallyh annoying)

Hello, whats up?

Summer is almost over and soon I will have to start school again:cry: I kind of nervous and anxious since it will be my first day of high school, well the good thing is at first week of school all the freshman go to New York for a retreat where they can get to know each other. I still need to read my assigned books for the summer(or ask someone who read them for the answers:P).

Darn you Rhen_Var, your getting me too exited for Persona 4:evil::P Though I can wait, especially when I still have to finish new game+ on FES. I also need to finish Mana Khemia, I would have been done by now, but my cousin overwrited my file! zthe lesson from this, always save TWO game files.

Now I await for Sunday to see the new Code Geass, and anyone who saw the shocking event in last week's R2 episode would be just as exited.

Feliz Navida!



So whats up:P

For those of you who didn't know, I'm back from Brasil, but I was visiting my cousin out of state for his B-day. No I'm back! Who wants a churro?

I made two new banners. One for my and the other form my Gamespot. For those of you who don't know, the one on my TV is C.C. from Code Geass and the one on my Gamespot is Metis from Persona 3. I also changed my blog header.

So I'm back, this means I will comment and make more blogs.(If I'm not bust with stuff) So what did I miss?
