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Red Dead Redemption

So I just finished Red Dead redemption, and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you haven't finished it yet, I wont spoil it for you, but let's just say that the ending was not what I was expecting, and I was pleasantly surprised. Rockstar really outdid themselves this time. After I beat the game I went and downloaded the soundtrack (that came free with my pre-order) and listened to it for a while, and it just really impressed upon me how much work and attention to detail they put into this game to make it truly epic. The soundtrack is better than most movie scores around today. For a game that I wasn't that excited about prior to it coming out, it really surprised me, and now I feel like it will be a very solid contender for GOTY. Any way I just wanted to throw a little praise at a game that I truly enjoyed and think everyone should take a look at, if you haven't already