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ninjic Blog

Back in Business

I just got back from Europe and realised how I'm so relied on my Xbox to entertain me and also how video games aren't as popular there (or just in my small country). I checked all the electronic stores and they didn't have Xbox 360s but, they did have Wii's??? That's one of life's many unexplainable mystseries.


Today I'm leaving the country to go to Slovenia (not Slovakia)to visit my relatives for a month.:) I will probably not be able to go on Gamespot as often because only my uncles and cousins have computers and I'm stayingat my grandfather house. Also I won't be able to play Xbox there.:cry: See you guys in a month.

Welcome Brady

Just for everyone to know my friend tombrady1234 is now a gamespot member. He's kind of garbage but he will get better.;)

More games

Just yesterday I bought burnout revenge and the elder scrolls 4 oblivion half price for new copies. I technicly started my xbox 360m library

Merry Christmas

Its Christmas today. YAY. I finally got a Xbox 360 with gears of war, ghost reacon and the xbox arcade colection.I'll be playing the whole night and boxing day. Merry Christmas!!!


I forgot to leave a blog on halloween so i'll leave one now. My best buddy Brandon came to my house and play MK armeggedon and halo 2. He is a noob at video games (only has a gamecube) so I had to show him the ropes.We ended the day at midnight with me winning every match in every game.

No Burning Crusades for me

Since I'm not a paid suscriber I couldn't watch the WoW burning crusade live gamplay marathon and lost another tag and the five minute preview made me feel even worse.

The good and the bad

I'll start of with the bad news and say that I missed after hours. That means one less emblem for me. the good news is that soon I'm going to get an xbox 360
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