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A gaming controversy that's... actually worth it? (Rayman Legends)

I think you all know how much bulls*** I found the Bayonetta 2 controversy, but it looks like another Wii U game just entered controversial territory: Rayman Legends.

What happens is this, the game got delayed, even though it was said to be pretty much DONE and ready to release (it was releasing this month). The cause of this delay? Announcing that they are porting it to PS3 and 360.

I admit, I was wrong on my defense in saying the game wasn't going to be ported based on how tied some of the gameplay aspects were to the gamepad and I have no problems with multiplat ports (as long as they are done well enough), but Ubisoft pretty much gave Wii U owners the shaft here.

Yes, the console is struggling with some sales so far, but several Wii U owners were actually ready for the game to be released and have something to play... and they pull this?

Not a part of the game's development team was happy about this delay:

"If you're pissed, imagine how we feel. Think on the situation, we've been making overtime with this game practically since May preparing E3, and then almost a demo per month (gamescom, Wii U presentation, shops, eShop, etc) and at the same time trying to actually finish the game."

"We had a first delay because it was obvious we couldn't finish on time but we gave it all to be there on February. What face do you think we had when the week we had to close the game we're being told it's not going to be released? I couldn't believe it."

"For practical matters, you'll have to wait for some months for the game to be released and will most likely serve for more content to be added and do it better. For us, this means we've spent 6 months barely seeing our wives, kids, and friends for nothing because, after all, such a haste wasn't needed. Believe it, it was a hell to swallow these news."

"Even then I'm firm in what I said back in the day, Rayman Legends is an excellent game and will still be, and the team that's making it doesn't deserve to have your back turned on them just because some men in ties one day took a wrong choice."

"This industry is really that shi**y."

*sarcastic clap* Bravo, Ubisoft! Bravo. :|