Hi my friends,
I'm planning to get an XBOX 360 soon, but I'm trying to decide which is the best 360. I know the arcade version won't work because it dosen't have standard XBOX play at all, but I'm looking for a version of the 360 that's suitable enough for at least standard XBOX play. Standard XBOX games I want are all Star Wars games, I do want some 360 games too, like Soulcalibur IV, the new Indy game announced a while back, DBZ: Burst Limit, and Naruto: Rise of a Ninja.
I mainly want a 360 for multiplatform games that aren't/never will be on a Nintendo platform I have (Which is GC, DS, and Wii)
But before I get all happy, here are some questions for the 360 owners.
1. How hard is it to install a 360 hard drive into lower level 360's?
2. What 360 has a built in hard drive for standard XBOX games, with out me buying the upgrade part?