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My message to "the Boss" (and it pains me to say)...

In Gohan's voice (Stephanie Nadolny's version): Time to FINISH YOU OFF!

Anyway, like how I did MGS2, I'm pretty much almost done with MGS3 and I'll say, I liked it a hell of a lot more than MGS2. The storyline is a bit better as I understood what was going on a bit more, a better save assistant (Para-Medic and her movie talks actually give some helpful advice for Naked Snake/Big Boss, unlike Rosemary who just dragged on with her relationship with Raiden, jeez, let the man do his job, would ya?), funnier codec dialogue (When Para-Medic, Snake, and Major Zero were talking about James Bond: From Russia With Love cracked me up), and since the HD version is based on Subsistence, using more camera options to suit your liking (I chose third person behind the character view the most). It still has it's awkward moments (EVA unzips her suit in front of Snake when they just met and the romance between them felt random, though it's funny as hell when the game let's you take a peak at her). 

From sitting through the cutscene before Snake and The Boss have their final confrontation, I'll admit I do feel sorry for her and see why Snake was so close to her through her discussions and her actions. But, like my DBZ reference states, she's got to be dealt with. The first few fights I had with her were freaking difficult though (blasting her with a shotgun, while she lies on the ground isn't helping me like it did with The End and Volgin), but my brother gave me some advice on how he beat her.

After that, since my time with MGS3 was a lot better than MGS2, I'm not sure if I should start right to Peace Walker or play AC1 and/or AC2.