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nintendofan6 Blog

Techjar Updates and My new Ds Games

Hi, guys im back again with some news back then, wew im leveling up soo slow, but now i got some friends like tech and frankie anyway tech has a new forum!

And now i hav a new game call of duty world at war DS, but i was disapointed with the less weapons it has, but its gameplay is great, and the wifi is gud, but it would need more people.

Im really excited about pkmn platinum, it will be one of the best games of its era!!!!!!!! 20 people online at same time on the Nds

New stuff, a whole new ninfan world!guys!

Well im here to introduce my new stuffs i have prepared for anyone to contact me on my stuff:

And at least mine friend codes:-pokemon:0387-9094-5302

Mario Kart DS:2664-2417-8535

Yugioh wc08:4554-3580-2855

Well i also new people and got new unions which are really cool, i liked the people here i think i will stay here longer, tomorrow im traveling so i will be busy a while

Happy new year!

hum,i think its time for some bloging.

Ive comemorated my new year, like very normal, seriously i dont really like the new year i think is so boring, just waiting for comemorate 2009. Christimas,easter,or other comemorations its notbecause of presents its not happy as christimas.Well i played some ds games today nwsmb,yugioh wc08,and others games my birthday is coming so im realy happy, i think i will ask for an ds game but im very undecisive, i want to play online with guys, im trying to learn how you do things in this site.

My promises for the next year: try being more nicier, not being anoying, help my family, and try not kicking my cousins buts when they pisss me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy new year and hope for the next be best than the others has been