As you know I'm a JRPG player for the most part but I do dabble in other genres to, These genres are the reason I took up JRPG gaming in the first place.
Fighting Genre: This genre put many holes in my walls because of bullsh*t physics, dogish characters and general frustration with stale moves because thats all the pc knows how to use to dog the f*ck out of you eg The Apperentice in Soulcaibur IV
Racing Genre: Another genre that helped with "unintentional remodeling". Mainly because of the punishment for the slightest mistake being complete and utter bullsh*t eg Burnout Revenge. The other thing I hate is when your racing against the same car and performing to a 99.9% exact as the cpu car it's always faster even if you car is maxed out eg Gran Turismo... EVERY ONE OF THOSE PIECES OF CRAP!!!
Action Fighter: Simple... Active time events p*ss me the f*ck off, and bullsh*t guard systems that suck for you but are impenetrable on the enemy egs Heavenly Sword and Ninja Gaiden
All the other genres don't really bother me that much at all... exept the Western RPG's like Fable and Elder Scrolls, don't get me wrong I love the freedom but I HATE there stories. They just suck to me and have bad controls that I can never get used to.
Well that's enough from me, I'm going back to Soulcalibur IV to "remodel" my room so until next time,
Go and get Blogged,
Nintendo Fan JP
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