There has to be someting wrong with me. >_>
Over the past week, I've lost 5 pounds, only eaten dinner (since I don't have time for breakfast and school lunch is well... you know, and even when I've eaten it has been much less than usual), and I've had significantly less sleep than usual (maybe 14 hours total) and yet... I feel amazing. :? There was one night I actually got a good nights sleep, and I woke up feeling like crap and that feeling continued for most of the day. I only got 1 hour the next night and the I felt... outstanding the next day.
Now I don't have any form of insomnia (at least not that I know of), but there has to be some reason for all of this stuff happening and me feeling better than previous weeks when I was actually living in a healthy manner. >_>
You could say I'm a bit confused right now...Anyone have any ideas? >_>