To me. :P And before we get started, I didn't forget my birthday, I was rather busy yesterday and I couldn't have checked up here if I had wanted to. :P Be warned if you continue reading you will be exposed to my incredible self-centeredness. :P
Anyway, yesterday I went out earlier in the morning to get my level 3 license (pretty much no more driving restrictions 8)) then went out to gorge myself at Bob Evans for lunch. Later I came back, had a friend dropped off at my house, left to go pick up two more friends (to keep count, that's a total of 3 friends and me if you're getting confused :P), and went out of town to the mall to mess around up there and see Observe and Report. The weather wasn't exactly great (rainy, since it's Spring Break >_>), but I'm not just tooting my own horn when I say I'm a pretty good driver.
The movie was pretty good as far as I'm concerned, but it didn't have as many great funny moments as I had expected from Seth Rogen (still had several). The movie itself did have some surprises actually, the fact that I was surprised by a plot twist in a Seth Rogen movie being one of them. :P Overall, it's a pretty solid film, I'd say 7.5/10. Afterwards, we walked around the mall and I picked up Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney for $20 for Mother's Day (she loves shows like Law & Order and CSI so she should enjoy it ;)).
When we get back to my house one of my friends has to leave because he's going to a trip and he's leaving early in the morning, which leaves two friends and myself left for the rest of the night. So we basically just played Guitar Hero all night (on Expert, because we're men :P), and watched random youtube videos, but not after watching one of my new movies, Religulous. Since my friends that were there were both atheist, like myself, we had a good ole' time. :P Hilarious movie.
After my friends left this morning, I came back to receive my presents (I don't like opening presents in front of other people, it just seems kind of like eating something in front of a starving person). I got:
The World Ends With You
$25 Itune Card
Wii Points Card
One of those seemingly unsafe pull up bars that hangs on a door frame (Lifting weights is just too tedious)
The Spirit (w/ digital copy :D)
Regular socks (not wool this year guys, but they're much appreciated anyway :P)
An awesome white suit (pics and explanation later :P)
Anyway, as far as birthdays go (and so far Spring Break), 17 was the best despite the weather. There has not been a day, besides today, where I haven't been hanging out with a friend, and it looks like the rest of break is going to be like that, which I really wouldn't mind because of AP tests coming up and my 5 page paper that I need done by May 1st :P.
So that white suit? Well it's for a video my friend is making to submit to a film contest and possibly get a scholarship for, and the suit was a necessary part. Why? Because I'm acting as Colonel Sanders 8). Below is a picture to the whole outfit, obviously with me inside. ;)
I've got plenty more pictures, including some where I'm holding a replica Master Sword, but I didn't think anyone would enjoy that. :P
Pic of the Blog. :P