So today we had a 2 hour delay for school... you know, nothing special. So I sleep in a little bit until around 8:20 or so, get up and take a look outside and see snowflakes that are literally about an inch big falling at a very fast rate. At this point I'm thinking there is no way we have school today. I check online and it says we're only delayed. I check every TV channel that announces school delays and closings and it says we're delayed. So I suck it up and go to school not really all that annoyed, but on the way I couldn't help but notice how bad the roads were.
So I go to first period, we get our assignment and I finished early. Since my first period is in a computer lab and our teacher doesn't care what we do on the computers (within limits of course) as long as we have our work done I decide to check online to see if we're getting out early. And there it is. It said we were getting out at 1 PM. So basically within 30 minutes of arriving at school we knew we were getting out early... so what was the point of coming today? We didn't get enough hours for it to actually count as a school day and all we accomplished was wasting gas and loss of sleep. So out of the 55 counties here, we wereone of the only 6 (I think) that did not close.
Oh well. No use crying over spilt milk. I was playing basketball half of the time I was there anyways. :P