Yeah I'm typing this as the mighty FINAL FANTASY VII is about to install on PS3 and as much as I'd like to say its going STRAIGHT to my PSP, its not
I ordered a 4GB Memory Stick at the same time which will hopefully come Saturday, my pitiful 2GB won't fit it and my all important music and Rayman
So when that DOES happen, it will officially be the best game on PSP. Second best being the PREQUEL.
May sound like I'm on a massive fanboy rant (I'm on a rant all the time about basically ALL of E3 and gaming as a passion right now though) but FFVII is deserving of all the critical acclaim. It has excellent pacing, throwing plot twists and shockers, as well as mixed and varied gameplay that always keeps you on your toes. The excellent backgrounds and music create an awesome atmosphere second to none in an RPG (including my fave, FFX) and the growth system always makes me wanna pick it up and level up that spell, or find that new weapon or secret summon. And now I can do it on the go as well. :D:D:D I am a very happy boy
Although I am probably spending way too much money ATM. I spent 25 quid on VII & Memory Stick as well as 15 on Advent Children Complete on BLU RAY (too bad it doesn't come with a digital copy of VII :( ) and Final Fantasy V Advance on GBA. I'm having a huge FF blowout now XIII is getting ever closer and XIV is on the horizon. Plus I need to finish Mario Galaxy and START Metroid 3.
I also NEED a job again, soon. I spent bugger all last month but made up for that and more this month so things aren't looking to good for me, espescially as I want inFamous, God Of War III, Fat Princess and more when they come out. So I need to push to finish what I've got already first. Final Fantasy wise I need to finish II, III (on last boss), IV (near end), V, VIII (near end) and at least my first playthough of X-2 attempt at 100% (finished game before but want 100%)
I also think I'm (tragically) going to sell Wii Fit and Fallout. Not (just) because of finance but no one in my family uses Wii Fit (which was the plan) and Fallout didnt grab me at all. But why focus on the past, when, as E3 showed the future looks so...
O. M. G. (My catchphrase)
So, if you've got FFVII on PSN, or want to make an opinion on anything mentioned above, PLEASE GO AHEAD