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Nintendo 3DS Competition Entry Blog

200 words exactly, go me!!!!


Even though Gold & Silver were released at the start of the noughties, the DS remakes have received such an upgrade, even from Diamond & Pearl; that the Pokemon experience is still fresh and fun in 2010. Being older and wiser, I was able to play through a lot of the quest from memory and not find myself losing as much as I did back when Silver was my first ever GameBoy game (nostalgia, ahh). It's a testament to the designers that the mechanics are easy enough for anyone to play and enjoy while deep enough to provide the hardcore with a competitive online experience. If I could put my finger on the one thing that has meant I haven't gone ten years without playing a Pokemon game; its that there is always something to do next and with HeartGold and SoulSilver, there are a collection of legendaries, minigames, gyms and other goals to balance out the meat and poke-potatoes (catching and levelling). I've transferred all my monsters from every GBA game onto this one DS card as a summation of not just mine, but Nintendo and GameFreak's accomplishments and dedication over the last ten years.

- Getting it down to 200 words was a toughie. Well, that's the most I'm going to type up over this holidays. University work can wait! :P