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Star Wars Kotor 2 The Sith Lord!


Here they come someguide to all of you,if you need anything, if there some place is hard then read this guide. It will help you if you stuck some place!


Once you awaken leave the room you are in and go into the first room on your left, once inside use the terminal to open the door to the morgue. Go across into the morgue, search the body in the back to find a Plasma Torch, the other body will rise. Once the body rises they will start to talk to you respond with arrogance to get your first dark side points. Leave the morgue, go away from the area you started in and use the Plasma Torch to bash the door ( to bash a door, go to open in the action queue, press down on the D-Pad then "A" and you will bas it open ) look through the bodies in the next room, hopefully on of them will have a good vibrosword/blade, equip that. Continue going straight until you can no longer to straight, and then take the only turn you can. You will get a message from Kreia, showing you droids in the next room, you will probably want to save here. Continue and defeat the droids. Exit the room and take a right and continue to a group of three consoles. Go to the center one and open the prison. Take a 180 walk forward until you get to the prison, which is on your right. You will meet Atton you release him no matter what so be as mean as you can for dark side points. He will start working with the console, but it won't work. So use the console go to the Comm System and call the two places there on one channel you will reach a droid ask him for help nice or mean doesn't matter no points can be gained. You will then take control of the droid. Take the eastern door, continue down defeating any droids you see. Exit the door to the fuel depot. Continue through this sublevel acquiring everything you can. Then return to where you started, then take the other door. When you exit the door at the bottom, continue across the hall and search the containers for Computer Spikes, because your going to need them. Exit the little room and take a left. Continue down towards the hanger terminal, use the spikes to open the door to the Fuel Depot. Then go trough the door you just opened to get an elevator, go down it, then roll down the ramp and go to the left and use the termianl then open all the doors you can, after you walk away T3. Is shocked by someone we do not see and you return to your main character. Go back towards the prison, but go through the first door to your left, which will bring you back to a place you have already been. Walk down and you will get to a corner and take two rights and go through the door. When you get out search the container to find some useful items, equip them all. Continue into the mines, follow the path until you get a message from atton then turn on your Mining Shelds, then run through the red gas as fast as possible. When you find the terminal use it, if you have good computer skill shut the droids, if not just raise temperatures and then they can't attack you until you attack them, but before that deactivate the containment fields then destroy all of the droids. Then go through the southeast elevator to the fuel depot. Once you go through you will be greeted by an HK droid, but before talking to it go in the room across the hall and search the container for a Sonic Sensor. ( If you have a level up right now make sure you get persuade points. ) Talk to the HK droid, ask him about escaping and the voiceprint code. Then ask him about the dead body. Then about the dead man's last words, then ask the droid if it can imitate voices it says it can. So ask it to say the code, if he says it skip the next paragraph, if not read on. Looking right at hte HK do a 180 walk straight and go left through the door. Go right and continue until there is a door directly in fron of you, take a right and got straight in to the room. Go to the terminal [Sonic Sensor] whatever you can. After that go in the elevator to the admistration level. Once you arrive run straight across ignoring everything, once you get to the room with the door to your left, go through that door. Then go through the next door and [Sonic Sersor] whatever you can on the console. Then go back to HK. Looking right at the HK do a 180 walk straight and go left through the door. Go right and continue until there is a door directky in frony of you, take a right and got straight in to the room. Go to the terminal open the door to the Asteroid Exterior. Then go outside and continue around the walk, until your back inside on the other side. Continue in and go forward, then go into the first room on your left. Once through take another left and use the workbench to upgrade whatever you can. Then do a 180 and go straight, beat the fire extinguishere, which are really annoying, a good force power to use world be lightning. After beating them go around the U, until you get to the cafeteria. Put on the breath mask you find. Then go back to the mid-U where there is a terminal. Use it to open the door, then do a 180. There are two paths both leading to dormitories search everyhere in both dormitories. Then head back to the cafeteria, once iside take a right go through the door and continue until you are at the bottom then go through the only door. You will get to a console which you need to open the door either you could bash it or type in the code. (Code gets mush more experience) : = 7 5 13 17 3 =.

Kreia will meet you go with her to Atton and he will join your party. Then start running to the Harbinger on your way there you will be attacked by an HK. Ion grenades are very helpful here. After make sure you search his remains then go on the Harbinger. Go forward and take a right to enter the bridge. Then use the terminal and download the info. Follow the path through the ship killing the invisible assassins as they appear, and search everything you can. Once you reach the end turn around and goback to the entrance. Face the door and take a right, follow the path without making any turns. At the end you will enter the crew quarters. Going forward you will encounter two rooms search them both. Then continue forward a cutscene will start saying this is your room search it and equip the items inside. Go forward through the tow doors then take a left walk straight, then go in the first door on your right. Run across the room go through the next door. Then take a left there will be three doors take the middle one. On the other side, you will see Darth Sion, Kreia will take him and you can continue. Just follow the paths until you get to T3-M4. Make sure you search the corpes. Then follow the path, go down the ramp and continue until you find a terminal to open the emergency field. Then go up the other ramp, go through the door, and take a right, continue until you get to the door and go through. Get to the console and use T3 to open the door. Continue until you get to the gas room, if possible use the terminal to turn off the vents, if you can't just run through with a gas mask on. Then board the Ebon Hawk. An annoying shooter will come up, shoot barrels to take out the masses after a little while you will be on the ship and will have to kill whatever Sith you didn't kill. Afterwards you will be chased by the Harbinger chose to fire on the asteriods. Kreia will talk to you be as rude as you can for dark side. If you want more points go to Kreia and talk more. Then shall you go to Telos in the starmap.


When you exit the ship you are confront for destroying Peragus, just go willingly because no matter what you do, you have to be arrested. Once Batu Rem shows up say whatever you want the fight is unavoidable, you don't have weapons so use the force. once you get the transfer you will get call don't accept it. Then on the second call accept it, it will be Czerka, accept. Then rest, once you awaken leave the apartment, and take a left, exit the apartments and go left. The first door to your left will be Czerka Offices go in. The droid will recognize you, and tell you to go talk to Jana. Go around the desk into the next area, there will be another exit to your right go through it. Then take a right and go through the first door to your right. Walk forward through the next door. Then turn left and walk to Jana. Choose whatever dialogue you want. Exit Czerka, walk past the median, take a little right and go through the first door on your left. It leads to the Entertainment Module. Once out take two lefts, walk down until you are at the corner, take the right, and walk until you reach the end, then take a left walk forward and then take two rights. Enter the TSF Station, go to the counter and talk to the droid behind the counter, he will open the door to the lockers for you go in and search ALL OF THE LOCKERS for your stuff and more, then reequip. Exit the TSF Station go straight then turn left, before taking another right. Then walk to the wall and turn right to go to the dock. Go straight until you get to the Ithorian behind a desk. Talk to him, show him your credentials to get inside. Go in start talking, before you are attacked by five thugs, you should be able to easily defeat them. You will then be given a Modified Hold-Out Blaster, DON'T USE THIS it is important. Talk to the droid and tell him you are taking him to Czerka, you will instantly be brought there. Talk to Jana for your next mission then leave.




Even though this is a sidequest and i am not including sidequests this is a good one for many reason, two are. 6. Good Bonus Weapons. 7. A lot of dark side points.

Go to the Entertainment Module exit, which leads to the Residential East area. Once there, turn as if you are going to the dock again. Take three lefts and go in the door on your right which is labeled "Merchant", when you focus on it. Go to the back wall and take a left talk to the rodian. Ask him about the blaster you just acquired, he will deny knowing about it, but tell him you want to get involved and he will tell. Your first mission will be to get some leaves. Go back to the Residential Module East, once there go to Residential Module West. Once there take a right and go into the Ithorian compound. Go around the counter and into the next room. Take a left and walk to the wall, take another left. Once inside you will see the plant usde Atton's security to get leaves. Return to Dobo. Go back to the Ithorian Dock (where you got the droid). Talk to the Ithorian behind a desk. tell him Chodo sent you to pick up the energy shields he will let you in. Then go to the storage room in the corner, once again you are confronted, if you have good persuade, persuade him, if not just kill him. Search all of the containers, make sure you get the shield generator. Return to Dobo. Go back to Residential Module 082 west. When you arrive turn right, walk forward until you get to the wall, then turn right, into the medical facility. Once inside go around the entrance and turn right, use the terminal to open the container, then search it. As you leave you will be confronted by a TSF Officer, just kill him. Return to Dobo. He asks you to escort him, agree, you get into a little fight, which should be easy. You have now completed this quest.


Go to the Cantina (near Dobo's store), find the purple girl named Luxa talk to her. She says she will get you a meeting if you complete some test so accept the first one. Go to the medical center and use the communcations terminal to learn what to do. Return to the Apartment you started in, exit the C section and take a right into the B section.Go into the party area in the start menu and take everyone out. Then turn right to B3, you will be let in. Just wait around a minute and will be joined. Kill the men. Return to Luxa. Next you must acquire an outstanding debt. Go to Apartment B2, which is right next to Apartment B3, from the last mission. Once there just slay him. Return to Luxa. Finally she will agree to a meeting. Head to Residential Module East, when you arrive from the Entertaiment Module turn right and walk until you reach a Rodian, tell him luxa sent you and he will let you in. You can then either persuade the receptionist or just talk and you will be attacked allowing you to fight for experience points. Either way proceed through the door on the right, in the next room. Go through this hall into the next room. Slusk's men will attack, kill Benok first. Bash the door that Slusk went through, talk to the Gamorrean by the door and he will let you in. Say you are going to kill Slusk, kill him. then kill Luxa and the Gamorreans. Make sure you search everything. Return to Czerka, but getting to Jana won't be easy, Czerka is being attacked by the Eachange, kill and serach everyone. Talk to Jana and ask for your payment, she will give you 800 credits. Then talk again and she will tell you she has a shuttle waiting for you. Go to Docking Bay 3 and talk to Duros. He gives you your first lightsaber part. You meet Bao-Dur here you must take him so leave behind Atton and take Kreia. There isn't really anything to do here so just walk through until you get to the Excavation Site. When you arrive you will be attacked by a war droid and a droidmaster, kill them and them take time to heal and save you have a big battle coming up. Turn the corner and take until the fight starts. Have Bau-Dur throw various kinds of grenades, with Kreia using Force Lightning/Storm or Force Fear/Horror and your character doing whatever you want. Afterwards, heal and save again, before finishing off any of the remaining mercenaries. When everyone has been killed go up to the terminal and have Bao-Dur use the terminal. Then enter the Military Base.

Once you enter equip any equipment that prevents poisoning and some Ion weapons,

Starcraft: Brood War

Tvåan är också bra! Man får mer enheter och nya gubbar och nyare flygplan och andra saker!

Jag kan tänka mig att göra den här spelet till en film också!

Eller så blir det så att jag gör ettan! Den innehåller även extrat matrial också!!

Så jag har en fråga!

Skulle ni tycka att jag skulle kunna göra spelet till en film????


Den här spelet var riktigt bra. Och man fick massvis med grejer och lite andra saker. När jag tänker bli Regissör så skulle jag kunna att göra den här till en film. Vad skulle ni säga om det då???

Så jag börjar med alltihopa att för att kunna göra den här spelet till en film och det skulle kunna vara riktigt bra!!

Sid Meier's Pirates

Ett jätte bra grafik på pc. Har varvat den och jag var den första som hade klarat och jag tror att brorsan har kommit ett bra bit.

Hade hitta hela släkten och allting. Så denna spelet får en 10 i betyg.

Alien Vs Predator 2

Tvåan gillar jag bättre än ettan, har klarat av marinen och predator och alien så jag gillar tvåan än ettan i allafall.

Jag tror att jag fastnade på nåt ställe nu kommer jag inte i håg vilket det var på, skulle kunna gissa på marinen det tror jag i alla fall. Nej som sagt gillar tvåan än ettan.

Alien Vs Predator

Den första Alien Vs Predator var det lite för svårt och jag visste inte vart man ska nånstans. Körde på marin ett tag men sen skulle jag till ett korridor som alien skulle komma den korridoren vart jag liksom lite rädd gå in i det. Så jag vågade inte gå in ditt jag var kvar i det ställe. Sen vart jag lite trött på marinen så jag bytte karaktär, det var predator den kom jag nån aning långt än var på marinen, men sen så fastnade jag så jag kom inte så långt som jag trodde. Sen bytte jag igen och det var alien, den kom jag lite längre i allafall. Och jag skulle aldrig köra ettan igen inte. Hellre när man kör sånt liknande battlegrounds. Det gillar jag bättre än att göra uppdrag på ettan.

Jedi Knight Jedi Academy!

Här får man välja vilken gubbe som helst här. Det tycker jag är bra:) Sen får man typ välja vilken ljussabel också plus färgen men inte röd. Din karaktär heter Jaden Korr. Du kan vara en man eller en kvinna sen kan det beror på att vilken ras som du bör ha. Du kan ha lite olika saker och kläder eller färger på kläderna också, sen kan du börja att sätta igång spelet. Du får träffa en ung kille som Rosh Penin.

Sen blir ni beskjutnat av ett slags kraft, sen störtar ni på planeten Yavin. Då kommer du till en slags ställe som ni hade störtat på, sen har Rosh problem med att ta sig därifrån, du kommer du att rädda han sen begär ni till en svart tempel, men det hölls av kloner, sen säger Rosh till dig att ta dig attack mot dem, sen kommer det en sith. När du har dödat han då blir det liten mellansekvens och visar det dig att du ser vissa personer som är där. Det är en kvinna som håller i en grej som heter scepter och hon har två vakter med sig. Sen hade dem sett dig och då började kvinnan att blixtrade dig liknande, sen ligger där och då kommer det en välkänd person. Och det är Kyle Katarn sen kommer Luke Skywalker. Då får du börja träna dig kraften och börja hantera med ljussabel. Då får du och Rosh en Mästare, och det är Kyle Katarn.

Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast

När jag typ körde den spelet så fastnade jag på flera ställe:(

Men så kom jag ganska långt då vart jag glad:)

Sen kom jag till Yavin så utbildade mig till en jedi för jag skulle hämnas på Desann och hans läring, för dem hade typ dödat Jan så var det en hot mot Jedi skola, och sen var det vissa information om var Desann hålls ut nånstans.


vissa spel om starwars är bra!!!!

När jag ska köpa mig en ps2 så ska jag välja episod 3!!