It seems to be a two way street with games; they either hold true over time, or die out in faded glory. Yet after all is said and done, we still hold onto the memories we had with those titles; maybe it was the first one you played with a family member, or it got you through a hard time in your life, or maybe it was one that seemed to have filled a void you had. Some titles can be permanently marked by the initial reason why you played it to begin with, be it good or bad.
I can think back to a lot of games that I have played growing up that I won't go back and play, just so I don't ruin my image of it. Spawn on SNES is one of the most notable ones that comes to mind. I remember when I was in 3rd grade, my family and I moved over seas for my fathers job and I had no idea what to do until I went into school. My father bought me 5 SNES titles before we moved, mostly for my birthday and Christmas, but decided to give me one to eat up some time during summer. I remember the intro level fairly well; jumping across the rooftops of NYC, beating up bad guys and using my chains of vengeance to save the day. It was hard, fun, and it helped the time fly by for the next month before I had to go back to school. I love the game, and I still have the booklet in my drawer of gaming paraphernalia, but I don't want to play through the game again. I could never beat it, but for some reason I don't want to. I can only remember that lonely summer in a new country with no friends, and it reminds me of that time.
But, some games I can constantly go back and play, enjoying it like it is the first time. One title that comes to mind is Body Harvest for the N64. My friends and I in middle school would play through that game, trying to explore, destroy, or drive anything we found. It was difficult, rewarding, and somehow deep for what it was. I loved the time traveling aspect of the game, going from Greece in the 20's, to the year 2016. I no longer own my N64, but I still own this game, and it is the only 64 title I own.
While each title you play does not have a significant meaning to it, there will be some that reach out to you and remind you of a time in your life where you needed that distraction, or possibly how it brought a group of friends together.