Wow, I'm kinda like Jesus right now, coming back from the dead on Easter. I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I'm pretty sure people were sh*tting bricks. Now I don't anticipate the same kind of reaction, (despite how awesome it would be) I guess like any human, life happens.
I've been making changes in my life, I've joined the volunteer firefighters, started a band, and got a new job. I'm going tabula rasa on this one. I figure, I'm 21 and need to start doing something important to me. I've also "resigned" from any union affiliations, considering they all pretty much do nothing. I've realized the uselessness of it all. Let me rephrase that actually. I understand people like to network, and the unions are a great way to bring a smaller group of people with the same interests together, but I really doubt anyone, (myself included) has the dedication to it. It's just one of those things that is completely understandable, but just not for everyone.
So lets take a gander at my game collection as of now. Mind you, these are in no particular order except from the first I see. We've got Fight Night Round 4, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Modern Warfare 2, Saints Row 2, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Mass Effect 2, GRAW 2, Just Cause 2, Metro 2033, and Assassins Creed 2. Keep in mind this is just a list of the games being played, not what I own in total. My collection right now is pretty impressive/sad, depending how you wanna look at it.
Now, I don't know if I'm alone on this or not, but pretty much every night, me and my friends, usually 5 or 6 in total, get together online and play MW2 for a few hours. It's a tradition more or less. Sometimes we go and play Red Faction together, just for the thrill of blowing crap up.
Now this may come as a surprise to you, but Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is my favorite game ever. You can read my review of it if you please, but I'll summarize it for you. I thought the graphics were phenomenal, the sound design outstanding as well. I was amazed at how well the game played, and how much content was stuffed into the game. The coop campaign was amazing along with the ever fun (yet unbalanced) versus mode. Now being able to play the latest iteration of the series' demo was a pleasant surprise to me. While I did enjoy the demo thoroughly, I felt the game really did a 180 on everything I was used to. Yes the stealth is there, but it's been dumbed down. Most likely to shake the "stealth action" label and throw the generic, "action adventure" title on it. By all means it isn't bad; But I feel this could've been any game. By that I mean, this could be any game with any characters and it would probably feel more natural. I've always felt Sam Fisher as more of a controlled character, who knew what to do and how to do it. I feel like this is a more action movie-esque Sam Fisher. Once again, it isn't bad, it's just different. Regardless, I will be purchasing the **** out of it.
Here is a list of the Xbox 360 games I'm looking forawrd to:
Red Dead Redemption
Skate 3
UFC 2010
Alpha Protocol
Naughty Bear
Crackdown 2
Sonic 4
Mafia 2
Kane And Lynch 2
Dead Rising 2
True Crime
Medal Of Honor
Fable 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Without tax, that's 60 dollars a game, a total of 900. I love the game industry, the only industry that can look the recession in the face, and say **** YOU." Well, them and Wal Mart.
Well that's my "back from the dead" speech, I'll be around more.