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AH yeaaaaah & Chap' stole me bike.

Spended alot of my weekend with my friend playin the 'Wii', Wario ware: smoothe moves is a blast to play, suprisingly funny to, it's a instant classic. Had a great weekend actually. Watched 'Hot fuzz' with some friends, man that movie will go down in history as a cult classic, it even surpassed 'Shaun of the dead' in terms of lpm (laughs per minute). Watched 'Ghost rider' as well, and it pretty much sucked, weird dialogue and it was pretty poor on the action side.

I feel the need of more zombie movies, I don't know why but I love them, they're the perfect excuse to make a movie about shooting alot of guns, and they're always have some comedy with the package. Here's the five zombie-movies you _have_ to see.

- Dawn of the dead, Zack snider (300 etc.)

- Dawn of the dead, George. A. Romero (It's _THE_ zombie movie.)

- Shaun of the dead (If you haven't seen this movie, you're weird.)

- Land of the dead (the georgie comeback, it's actually good if you understand it.)

- 28 days later (probably the zombie movie with largest substance in it.)


Bought Virtua Fighter 5 for the PS3 this week, and man, two words; balanance perfection, it's a surperb game and I love it, it's a must need if you got a shiny black box. Had my PS3 a couple of weeks now and my experience has been outstanding so far. It's high quality entertainment, simply, I have to admit it that Sony got the perfect line up for my kind of taste for games. Seriously, my X360 has been in a brown box for almost a month + (not packed it up since last repair, duh..). But still I will probably pick it up again when mass effect or something arrives, but for now VF5 all the way. It's all about the games, not the piece of hardware you play it on.

God of War........ 1!

Yay, finally took my time to complete 'god' mode today, just felt I had to do it before I pickup GoW2. Wich I will, probably at fridays PS3 launch. I just didn't like the idea of having a great game in my shelf that's not fully completed. But it's done now and I'm ready for more, ah yeaaaaah.

In other news it seems like I will never get my X360-copy of F.E.A.R, wich I won in a novel-competition about "my greatest fear". The competition was arrenged by Vivendi, so it's kinda funny that they don't send me the goddamn game.

"We make games!", "Can you spare me the copy that I won?", "No...".

But then again, I have won like two other competitions 'online', still "waiting" for my things to come. Yeah right. I've given up.

Keepin ' it oldschool.

Pretty boring saturday, just watched 'Blood diamonds' with a friend, seems like Africa is the new popular theme in Hollywood. Pretty decent movie tho, I love the way DiCaprio has evolved as a actor, from "teenage-super-cutie" to the confident tough guy (the departed, aviator etc etc...).

Anyways, me and a friend just realized that some emulators today actually got networkfeatures. Kinda ironic how the Virtual Console for the Wii lack this feature when you can turn on your PC and play your almost legal SNES games lag free. We tested a bunch of games but we got stuck with 'Turtles in time', it's kinda fun how such a simple game still can provide alot of fun. Sure there's no matchmaking system on these emulators and you have to connect manualy to eachother, but who the hell wants to play SNES games with random people anyways.

Looking really forward to next week due to the PS3 launch at friday, and even if the damn thing cost 950 (US currency) bucks over here in Sweden. Still, It was pretty damn hard to find a store that wasen't booked up for the next two months. Even tho I have to agree that Sony has screwed up litterly last launch months several times, it's the most appealing console in Europe. I love my X360 but it's so damn, americanized.. I mean there's not alot of 'AAA' games that doesen't has that "f*ck yeah" attitude that makes the average European just shake their head.