Pretty boring saturday, just watched 'Blood diamonds' with a friend, seems like Africa is the new popular theme in Hollywood. Pretty decent movie tho, I love the way DiCaprio has evolved as a actor, from "teenage-super-cutie" to the confident tough guy (the departed, aviator etc etc...).
Anyways, me and a friend just realized that some emulators today actually got networkfeatures. Kinda ironic how the Virtual Console for the Wii lack this feature when you can turn on your PC and play your almost legal SNES games lag free. We tested a bunch of games but we got stuck with 'Turtles in time', it's kinda fun how such a simple game still can provide alot of fun. Sure there's no matchmaking system on these emulators and you have to connect manualy to eachother, but who the hell wants to play SNES games with random people anyways.
Looking really forward to next week due to the PS3 launch at friday, and even if the damn thing cost 950 (US currency) bucks over here in Sweden. Still, It was pretty damn hard to find a store that wasen't booked up for the next two months. Even tho I have to agree that Sony has screwed up litterly last launch months several times, it's the most appealing console in Europe. I love my X360 but it's so damn, americanized.. I mean there's not alot of 'AAA' games that doesen't has that "f*ck yeah" attitude that makes the average European just shake their head.
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