These console fanboys need to grow up and learn how to build their own rig already so they can experience the far superior way to view porno. These little kids don't know what they are missing. I can view about 20-30 full length hardcore sex scenes at once on 4 monitors in 4k running 60+ fps on this beast of a rig. Best $2000 I ever spent. Plus using a keyboard and mouse to search and switch between clips is far superior to a controller.
@doonish: just so you know... I can use my cell phone to control my xbox. i never use my controller to search the web on my Xbox. I think my cell phone beats your keyboard and mouse. Check mate in that aspect. You get points for the other stuff.
@justerthought: I'm just curious.. Besides the remasters and bloodborne, what else does Sony have that you swear up and down is so superior to MS? Put aside your fanboy glasses for a few minutes. Sony has done nothing to revolutionize the home console industry since adding BluRay to the system. Now they have a
-They have trophies (achievements)...
-They're trying to have a decent online system but still fall short in some areas when compared to the One
All those things I've mentioned all came from MS. IF I MISSED ANYTHING FEEL FREE TO INFORM ME.
Pixelart art said :@njricand: To each, his or her own. But as long as you at least have an Xbox One and can play Witcher, Fallout, Dying Light, and Metal Gear, I suppose it's fine to wait.
But if not...? Um. I got nothing for you but C'MON MAN.
@PixelAddict: ooooh ok... Lol. Yeah I agree. I'm actually playing dying light at the present moment. Great game so far. I tried Witcher and it just didn't impress me. Ha bet played fallout yet but will pick it up one day.. Same goes for Metal Gear.
My next game will be Tomb Raider.
I also agree that uncharted and Horizon zero look incredible but don't forget: The Order looked incredible also.
Pixar addict said:....and multiplats like Fallout and Dying Light and Witcher and exclusives like Bloodborne and The Order and Beyond...
But you're right. It's probably for the best you stay away. Because.. delays. Ironically.
@PixelAddict: I'm not getting your point. Fallout, Dying light and Witcher are multiplat. bloodborne I hear was good but it's not my cup of tea. The order was terrible. it seems like staying away was the right desicion if im basing it on your response.
@hotwog21: you do know that the Xbox One was suppose to come out this year.. It was forced to come out early do to Sony trying to get a head jump. The best thing is, you're to blind to see that my xbox one is being upgraded before your eyes. There's so much more coming to this system while your ps4 stays the same. Compare the the One to when it was first launched, it's a completely different system and Im loving it as I'm sure all the Xbox one owners are.
@wkadalie: that really makes no sense. It would oiss me off if they made it an exclusive. Knowing I'll never be able to play street fighter (EVER) is worse. At least other people who don't have an Xbox can still play tomb raider eventually.
@jdc336: not to sound like an ass but that was your fault. I myself had the misfortune of getting the RRD 3 different times but all I did was call Microsoft hotline and they fixed it for free. They paid for all shipping charges. After the second time they stopped fixing the one I kept having issues with and just sent me a refurbished one. That one eventually kicked the bucket also. Next time don't be so quick to waste your money. Call the company up and it could save you some money.
NJRicand's comments