Basically. DICE listened to a lot of people crying on the forums. This is gonna be a long post. I wanted to make a video about this but I'm feeling too lazy atm. Maybe if it's requested which i highly doubt.
Battlefield 1942 complaints:
People were mad that players would be waiting for planes to respawn (therefore ykno not taking part in the match). People were mad that players were switching teams and docking enemy carriers on beaches; then switching back.
Ask yourself (those whose played a good amount of battlefield) can you pilot aircraft carriers in Battlefield V, 1, 1943, 2, bad company, 2142, Vietnam, that spawns planes? Hell submarines?
Exactly. You see they answered these crybabies and unfortunately MURDERED their beloved series with these two sad sad complaints. And these two complaints that they adjusted their game to is VITAL to their further downfalls and unapologetically exposes the insecurities of the company.. Going with what's trending such as Fortnite (recent) and Call of Duty.
- Player count. Battlefield V's player count should be either 500 players or 1000. With each iteration they should of raised the player count. They finally raised it close to 100 by deciding to copy the fortnite battle royale model which is trash imho. They should be trying to compete with the planetside series in terms of player count. Battlefield is supposed to have the most INTENSE 'battlefield' esque battles. It's not supposed to be a reformed run and gun shooter such as Call of Duty. And there's nothing wrong with Call of Duty but this is a special thing about Battlefield that I don't believe they're aware of. They keep the player count at 64.. No in actuality they need to increase it and if it's too congested well guess you need a bigger map. And for Battlefield that's ALWAYS a good thing.
- docked ships. You can't spawn on and get into ships such as carriers and move them around the map strategically. Aircraft carriers used to be spawn points for your team and it was very important to defend them. This whole aspect of gameplay is completely missing since 1942. This was implemented mainly due to crybabies and lazyness. Battlefield V is supposed to have some AMAZING; INTENSE AIR TO SEA BATTLES (with hundreds of players), AIR TO SEA. Now ask yourself are there air to sea battles in Battlefield V? and if there are, are they any good? Any submarine battles in BFV? LMFAO YO. ANY SUBMARINE BATTLES IN BFV? LMFAAAO. Ykno why that's funny? Because BFV takes place in the same fucking TIME ERA AS BF1942. SO TECHNICALLY THAT SHOULD SHOULD BE POPPIN ON SOME FF7REMAKE LEVELS. (And yes they had submarine battles in bf1942.) You see this type of gameplay was murdered due to SPAWNING IN VEHICLES (which I'll get to later) and Docked ships.
- removal of commander. Docked ships was implemented in Battlefield 2; but they put in Commander mode with Battlefield 2. This should of been expanded and improved upon similar to their 'squad' mechanics. It had it's faults (commander afk at respawn point. Literally only one i can think of atm) but it was a very unique and dope concept that they basically threw in the trash probably because of forum crybabies. It should of been improved upon, imagine if they never scrapped it and kept working on it up to BFV?
- squad mechanics simplified. Squad is basically point at an objective, spot players, stay alive. Battlefield 2 had the right idea in terms of teamwork. The squad orders were dope; they needed to improve that and offer more incentive for those unique orders. But instead they took a step back and simplified that sht waaaay back to 1+1=2 in that respect smfh.
- spawning in vehicles.. Omg 🤦🏿 this MURDERED gameplay. never should of been done. Cool tactics like sneaking behind enemy lines and setting c4 on vehicles are virtually a thing of the past. This is also why no aircraft carriers with planes in battlefield V. YOU SEEE.. Lol look DICE PUT NAVAL WARFARE IN BATTLEFIELD 1... BUT IT WAS TRASH because it used the "spawn in vehicle" mechanic and it was lackluster. Since the company wasn't working on that area of the game it showed, it was released as DLC for BF1, like literally the last chapter. And it wasn't free DLC like BFV! (eventually they gave it out for free i believe or for a hiiighly reduced price) But you'll see now those naval warfare maps are usually the most popular in BF1 yet they are TRASH compared to the magic of bf1942 due to 1942 not having such TRASH spawn in vehicle mechanic but yet as WELL having MORE diversity in sea vehicles than Battlefield V. 18 fucking years later. How is that even possible?
- movement on vehicles. They don't like the fact that you can walk around on the vehicles and removed it. LOL so now COD: WZ has it implemented quite nicely 🤦🏿 smfh your competitors are taking notes from YOUR BF1942 ORIGINAL FORMULA. Those who played 1942 remember there was a certain plane i believe in a expansion pack for 1942 that you walk around the inside of the plane and stuff, jump out w/e.. You see they implemented it somewhat in BF1 but not the right way. They should of looked at what they did with Titan Mode in 2142 (you know the large ship you can walk inside of) and carried that concept to ALL their larger vehicles. Imagine if they included SUBMARINES that you could MOVE AROUND INSIDE.. And it gets damaged AND YOU have to exit vehicle and repair as you see water filling! Would of been dope Buttt idk wtf..
- destruction. should of head in the direction of red faction or crackdown series. The destruction doesn't feel genuine. Terrain deformation is a joke at best. Pieces of building break off like superglued lego blocks. It's ridiculous and i believe they went that route to keep the maps balanced.. But still it feels so off they would of been better off keeping the destruction congruent similar to Red Faction series. Honesty feel that Red Faction has the best destruction in a game yet.. And what console did red faction come out on?? N64? PS2? Come on nowww smfh
- bring back capture the flag. Nuff said. Like WHY NOT? Even with the game's current mechanics capture the flag would still be pretty clean.
What bfv does right
- destruction (somewhat)
- graphics
- dogfight mechanics
- intense gunfight exchanges
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