Three of the supposed games of the year have just released recently and those are Batman: Arkham City, Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Pesonally I hate Call of Duty games, but I love Halo. Altogh I have not picked up any of these games yet I have been watching videos and here is my overall view of them.
Batman Arkham City: Incredible Graphics, great gameplay, easy boss fights. 9.5/10
Battlefield 3: Lacks on the single player side, lifelike graphics, amazing for multiplayer and co-op campaign. 9.0/10
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: Good graphics, good single and multiplayer, horde mode ripoff from Gears of War, customizable character ripoff from Halo: Reach, ability to pickup dog tags ripoff from Battlefield. 8.0/10
I know alot of you are probably wondering why I criticised MW3 so much. Truth is those who are thinking that are COD fan boys which are the gamers I hate the most. Honestly challenge yourselves to something else like Halo or Gears of War or strategy games like Starcraft 2. Chances are you won't survive in Starcraft or anything else other than COD.
In the next week and a half three more big titles are releasing, two of them are my most anticipated games of the year. These are Skyrim: Elder Scrolls 3, Halo Combat Evolved: Anniversary and Assassin's Creed Revelations. Skyrim is releasing on Friday, November 11. Also Halo CE: Anniversary and Assassin's Creed: Revelations are releasing on Tuesday, November 15. I can't wait for Halo and AC. Especially for the magnum in Halo.
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