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Ying and Yang - Christmas and Exams

Yes... thats right...  I have exams literally days after returning from my xmas holidays...

Although I only have 2 and they are 5 days apart... being typical me... I worry about it to death and then don't revise as much as I should...

so really getting a bad result is my own fault

However ontop of the mountains of revision... a rather large lump of Geo field work and Art drawings are also to keep me busy...:(


Well much to my distain.... I have indeed found that runscape rather good, despite first impressions.

A couple of friends rave about it and I couldn't understand why this was. I checked it out and found that it was actually up to standards despite bad graphics :(

I'll have to see how I get on. Im still in the early stages of the game and have already been killed :(

Art Trip

The newest addition to my great expeditions list is the trip to the ICA (Institure of Contempary Art) for a porotfolio advice day. As year 12's we couldn't really understand what they were going on about when spoke about UCAS stuff and courses

However I found the day a enjoyable trip, rather contrary to the last one :(

I have been trying to decide whether I should abandon Art all together at the end of year 12 or pursue it so that it may become encorpoarted.

Funnily enough, after talking to the graphic designers, most of their work looks an awful lot like what I have to do in ICT... so perhaps also using my business knowledge gained from doing business I could perhaps study and take a career in brand design, so it encorporates alot of my already earnt knowledge and skill.

I am going to a careers advisory meeting tommorow in hoping that it may become clearer to me

Adam stop distracting Mantas!!!

Well... on Friday I was flicking through some photos when I was bored in ICT... i found one of Hamilton :D... looking very strange as he did in year 7... i threatened to send it to multiple people who would make it their business to circulate it...

However due to a unfortunate glance at my screen he leapt across and threw me to the floor, breaking my head off of a chair *still hurts*

Well that isn't the point...

Our teacher followed up with that saying "Stop distracting Mantas" (A strange boy from Lithuania) while i was laying in a pile on the floor....

I'm glad to know that one of my teachers is willing to go out of her way to ensure her students are alive in the first place :(

(Bare in mind the initial threat was empty... so therefore i lost braincells for nothing... not that I had a lot in the first place :L)

And I forgive Jamie for doing that to me but is under caution that anything done that effects me in a negative context... the whole school will soon be gazing upon his mug :D

The Price is Wright!!!

Well, after slaving away all weekend and making a 17 page coursework a 43 page coursework was to be a success.

I eagerly await how I did, ICT as some know can be a tedious subject but, comparing leaflets and websites is not my idea of ICT. Miss Wright our teacher is rather naive about how much even her more able students do in lesson.

Also a unit that is supposed to be done strictly in class is not getting the attention it should.

However, even handing in that last bit of work was an achievment in itself.

Dorset Part 2... Attack of the idiot

Well. Where do I start? From the beginning is normally a good idea.

5:00 am (Home) – A quick start made me surprisingly awake that time of the morning, for whatever reason I’m tired when I get up later.

Anyways, we reached Durdle Door towards 11:00 am. I must admit I was impressed with it. Actually going to see what we were studying did make it clearer in my head. We were lucky with the weather on the 1st day missing the rain each time we were outside, however we were not so fortunate on the 2nd day where we were bombarded with hail stones.

Although, the geographical side of the trip was somewhat overlooked when you consider the stay at the youth hostel. A certain individual made life hell for me, although I knew that he was only mucking about, however, he did overstep the mark a bit and I rather what you could say “snapped”. I was quick to shouting at the top of my voice a rather fitting statement that I’m not sure I should repeat on here.

After which they went white and run back their room, which was a god send for some of my mates in my room. We all needed at least some sleep.

Overall I thought it was a good trip apart from the obvious black spot, however I can’t change that

I look forward to the 5 day one in March :)

Dorset Looms

Once again the geography department have succeeded in organising a trip that not only sounds boring but traumatising. All of the teachers in the geography department at my school are rather eccentric. I won’t go into details, but the more senior members are the worst, they are going on the trip too.

One is rather a retard (and I use that term lightly) and the other is alright but tries to be too friendly. For example the other day he comes up to me and my mate and says, “Do you have any ring tones you can send me"

I was in shock afterwards and both me and my mate were laughing for a considerable period.   Other than that, thumbs up

Our accommodation for the overnight stay seems to look like a large shed rather than a youth hostel. Beggars can’t be choosers I suppose. However we all did pay for the trip.

My fears for this trip consist of both rational and irrational fears. Firstly, I’m not sure of the bathroom situation; therefore I plan to have a shower when I get home if worst case scenario comes into play. (I don’t mind it, it’s just that everyone seems rather insecure about the whole communal shower thing)

Anyway, also a n00b to BA this year is becoming a nuisance. His clear obsession with me is rather worrying; requests to stay at my house and to share my bed if I have not got the room have both been declined. I will have to watch my back

As for the rest of it, sounds fun, the opportunity to get away from school and spend some time with my friends is a god send. After I fell in with the wrong crowd a few years ago, I’ve felt rather awkward about trying to get back in with my older and more trustworthy friends. Now I’m thankful to say that since passing from GCSE to A Level, All of my undesirable friends have left, allowing me to go back to how things used to be. (bourbons3 ;-).

Well, you should expect an update around the time when I get back so, stay tuned

Paying Respects....

Remembrance day , also known as Poppy Day and Armistice Day is a day to commemorate the sacrifice of veterans and civilians in World War I, World War II, and other wars. It is observed on November 11 to recall the end of World War I on that date in 1918. The observance is specifically dedicated to members of the armed forces who were killed during war.

I have decided to feature a poem that is oftem recited to celebrate this occasion

In Flanders field the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

~~By Major John McCrae, May 1915.~~

I hope that this day does continue to be celebrated even when it's original creation has been forgotten. We should always honour the dead that fought to let us live freely

11th November - We will remember them......

The genius that is Will Wright....

Today I have come to talk about the genius that is Mr. Will Wright, creator and owner of The Sims 2.


When I was younger, Pokémon merchandise was everywhere... everyone had a GameBoy colour and basically Pokémon was everything. When it began to die out I began to wonder was there more to life.....

A friend of mine had picked up a game called the Sims, I was told all about it but didn't like the sound of it to be honest. However, after a few months of dud games that didn't tickle my gaming fancy... I thought to myself "I wonder what that Sims game was like" By that time I had discovered that another 4 expansion packs had been released to go with it. I trotted down to my nearest GAME shop and bought the Deluxe Edition, giving me the base game, livin' it up and house party all in one go... more than enough to get me started you'd probably agree...

To my amazement I was confronted with a whole new wave of gaming... leaning towards FPS's at the time.... the game changed the way I buy and game forever. I continued to follow the Sims right up to Makin Magic which I personally thought was lacking in that "Originality" that you expereinced with every previous expansion pack... perhaps signalling the end of the Sims. Upon hearing of a new project the Sims 2, I instantly became excited again and found myself feeling the same as I did before I got the original.

When Sims 2 came out... I literally ran down to my nearest GAME store and run home again with the game carefully placed inside my jacket as not to catch any other desperate Sims fans eyes.

I immediately installed...

And was blown away even before the game was installed... a whole game to tide over waiting gamers while it was installing revealing additional features along the way.

Because of my unfortunately low spec PC when I got the base game... it run with rather a large amount of lag, which I'm happy to say has been remedied.

After the novelty wore off of the base game as it does with any game... Sims 2: University was ready to rekindle the flame once again.... With a impressive knack for timing Will Wright had once again created a game that ZOOMED straight to # 1 in the gaming charts...

After another 3 expansion packs including Nightlife, Open For Business and the highly acclaimed Pets... I am proud to say that I am forever a Sims fan and Mr Wright will have a hard time getting rid of me :)

However...(Sorry I do have to put a negative spin on things)... It seems that the recent Pets expansion packs is rather poor in content when compared to its sister expansion packs. Open For Business is the best so far in my opinion. Having the option to follow you Sims to work and also earn money without having to leave the lot. Also I have another concern... It had become apparent that Will Wright has lost interest in The Sims 2 !!!!!

It has emerged that he is currently developing a game called SPORE which I must admit looks VERY KOOL and I will be trying that out for myself... but consequently could this mean the downfall of the Sims2?

Only time will tell.... :?

Games List....

Well I have been asked by my good friend bourbons3 why my collection list is not completed. I had a good long think about this query and decided that to show him why, was the best answer....

(List is not complete yet)

Sims 2 Base Game

Sims 2 Uni

Sims 2 Nightlife

Sims 2 OFB

Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff

Sims 2 Pets

Sim City 4

Sim City 4: Rush Hour

Sims 1: Base Game

Sims 1: House Party

Sims 1: Living it up

Sims 1: On Vacation

Sims 1: Unleashed

Sims 1: Hot Date

Sims 1: Superstar

Sims 1: Makin’ Magic

Star wars Pod Racer

Star wars Battlefront 2

Star wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi outcast

Star wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Academy

Star wars Knights of the old republic 2

The Simpson’s Hit and Run

Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament 2003

Unreal Tournament 2004

Matrix Path of Neo

Total War: Shogun

Total War: Medieval

Total War: Medieval – Viking Invasion

Total War: ROME

Total War: ROME – Barbarian Invasion


Lego: Rock Raiders

Lego: Racers

Lego: Creator

Lego: Legoland

Mobile Forces

Max Payne

Max Payne 2: The fall of max payne

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3: Soaked

Roller Coaster Tycoon 2

Roller Coaster Tycoon 2: Wacky Worlds

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

MOH: Allied Assault

MOH: Break Through

MOH: Spearhead

Black and White

Black and White 2

Midtown Madness 1

Midtown Madness 2

Duke Nukem 3D


Beetle Crazy Cup

Crimson Skies

Quake 1

Quake 2

Quake 3: Team Arena

Quake 4

Doom 1

Doom 2

Doom 3

Doom 3: Exp pack


Need for speed: Most Wanted

LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth

Serious Sam 2

Call of Duty

Call of Duty 2

I will attempt to fill up my list as time goes on... but for the mean time this is much easier.... :P

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