Often times of the last year or so, I've felt like I've ended up on the bad end of a price drop or a feature increase. 1. Got the PSP as a gift from the ChiliDragon right before the PSP Slim was announced 2. Got the 360 right before the Elite and smaller, cooler chips (not to mention the end of RRoD at last) was announced 3. Got the PS3 a couple of months before they began offering the deal where you can get 5 Blurays for free with purchase and before they started dropping the price right and left Now, I understand that when you get something early, this is the risk you take. I don't blame Sony or Microsoft or anyone other than myself really for not being patient. On the other hand, I got a lot of Next Gen and handhold gaming goodness done before others who waited and got the better deal so, to a certain extent, these things end up balancing out. But tonight I find this righteous feature on Gamespot literally days before I was planning on purchasing an expensive 8800gtx ultra and I think to myself, "At last! At last I find myself on the right side of one of these updates." For those of you who are too lazy to read the article, I'll summarize for you. 1. The new 8800GT 512mb card, defying all common laws, will be more powerful than the 8800GTS 640 MB card at a lower price point 2. You can afford to get two 8800GT 512 MB cards and run them in SLI for the same price as one 8800GTX 768mb card.
3. The 8800GT 512mb card, while already nearly as powerful as its very expensive older brother the 8800GTX, will give significantly better performance in a two card SLI configuration for the same price of a single card 8800GTX solution. Or, to put it more succinctly, this is a little slice of awesomeness bestowed upon us by Nvidia and the PC gaming gods. It is a slice that, if I had moved immediately on my Super Sexy Deal, I would have also missed completely. Needless to say, as I sit here, in my silk boxers, (yes I threw that comment in there for the express purpose of making you all feel just a tiny bit disturbed and/or aroused) with the ChiliDragon playing Persona 3 behind me, I am a happy, happy little blogging boy. Frankly, this (along with the ChiliDragon...of course) is one of the sexiest things that I've ever seen outside of the better equipped Gentleman's Clubs. 8800GT SLI here I come.
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