by nocoolnamejim on Comments
Hi all. As some of you may or may not have noticed, the Gamespot initiator moderator team recently made the questionable decision to add me into their ranks. I could go with the concise, humble approach in alerting you all to my changed status as SophinaK recently did, but that just wouldn't be my style. Instead I come before you all tonight to announce the coming of a new world order in the Gamespot community. I. Have. THE POWAH. and I will not be giving it back. The time has come to punish the unbelievers, heathens, deviants and miscreants who have lapsed in their proper duties. In these troubled times, we need a powerful, effective voice. Democracy cannot be trusted in these dark days of Gamespot. External threats like Giant Bomb must be dealt with swiftly and severely. Since the masses cannot be trusted to act in a focused manner, there must be one voice to bring order to the chaos. That voice shall be me. Verily, and with great humility, do I accept this awesome and grave responsibility. And forthwith shall I begin abusing my powers in heinous ways. Monco! Swiftly must you resume thy Friday Funbag series of blogs. Arcadius and Sydogg! Too long has it been since I saw a rant about PC gaming supremacy. xboxrulze! It's been at least two weeks since you tried changing your avatar picture again. This has to be a new record for you. Why are you slacking in this area? hokies! I hereby appoint you as the Chosen One who will bring balance to The Force! (Let's see a blog from you about all the great things McCain will do as president. I'll link to it.) I could go on and on, but verily my banning finger itches. It has been too long since I wielded THE POWAH! ************************************************************* In all seriousness folks, I'm greatly honored and shall try and put up a post detailing what it's like to be a moderator, how it differs from what people generally think of the position, as soon as I figure out what the heck I'm doing. I'll also do my best to be a good moderator. I'm going to have to ramp up my appearances on public forums and do a little more community reach out beyond the circle of blogs and blog readers that I love interacting with so much.