Last blog for a while
by nocoolnamejim on Comments
Well ladies and gentlemen, the day is finally upon me. Tomorrow morning I leave for Sweden to get married, and thereafter to Spain to celebrate. I will not be back until the 25th. Given that I will be in some of the most beautiful places in the world, I shall be unlikely to be updating my blog or looking at stuff online. I still might, but if I don't I wanted to wish everyone who reads here the very best of times while I am gone. Each of you has been a joy to respond to and your own blogs have all been entertaining and a pleasure to read. I shall miss all of this good video game talk while I am gone. On the other hand, it sure won't hurt me to get away from my normal routine for a while. We humans can become truly wretched beings when we get stuck in a rut. Change is good for us once in a while. Time away from video game related activities will only make me appreciate them all the more when I get back. The same goes for all of you as well. Not that I don't already appreciate you fine folks, but I'll appreciate all the more when I've had a chance to miss you all. Take care and happy game playing.