I've been toying around with my new digital camera, and I have decided that it is the greatest invention since the condom. Frankly, my life may never be the same again. With that in mind, I have decided to add a few pictures to my normal blogging that show some aspects of my everyday life for anyone who may (but more likely will not) be interested. First, a picture of my pride and joy. No, I am not talking about the ChiliDragon. I am of course talking about my Samsung 61" 1080P HDTV.
Author's note: I was going to show the Samsung with the ChiliDragon standing beside of it to give you all a sense of scale, and describe the picture as "The Two Sexiest Things In My Life", but she showed all the enthusiasm of a rape victim with the idea, so I was forced to abandon that plan. As you can see, I have Oblivion for the Xbox360 running on the TV in the background, because whatever other faults Bethesda may have they sure make pretty games. I included the box in the picture to give a sense of scale since I couldn't include Chili. Next, I have a pictures of my upstairs TV. It is a 37" 1080P Westinghouse. This picture shows that I have a PS2, an Xbox, and a Gamecube hooked up. I have Dragon Quest VIII for the PS2 on the screen. Lovely game.
Once again, I have included the box for scale purposes. Whatever else the faults the Japanese may have, they do colors really well. They are rich and vibrant. Now if only they'd eventually make a main character that has some personality and abandon the idea that every American in the universe loves big eyed, stupid looking, anime ****characters. Just for the PC fans out there, a quick picture or to of the ye olde PC, the granddaddy of my household entertainment electronics given how long it has been since I ponied up the necessary bread to update the old girl.
And, of course, a couple of quick pictures of my cat Casey. First, of her being a mighty huntress...on top of my laptop. Then one of her at rest and grumpy at being disturbed. Yes, I have sunk to a new low with my blogging. I am actually putting up pictures of my cat. The digital camera is addictive. I shall now go drink heavily on my couch out of shame that I have actually inflicted pictures of my cat upon my audience. It has nothing at all to do with the fact that I simply enjoy drinking heavily.