(Another three blog post day! Don't forget to read my other two!) Normally I don't really consider myself to be much of a fanboy. I love games, and, being an MBA, I also understand financial decisions, economics, etc. But today's Gamespot article along with the explanation by Square Enix's president on its decision to avoid releasing its next Dragon Quest title for the PS3 or 360 has got me about as ticked off as I can ever remember being about a game platform decision. If you happen to be searching for the words "Wada, traitor, a-hole, jerk, idiot" or some equally unflattering names, and you turn up the article above, it is likely because I decided to express my frustration in a mature, sensible manner...through the use of Gamespot's "tagging" system. Heh. Before I go further, let me explain the reasons why this bothers me. 1. You are SQUARE ENIX! Your company is synonymous with role playing games for a lot of people. Dragon Warrior/Quest and Final Fantasy are what got many gamers interested in roleplaying gaming in the first place. You don't follow trends. You SET trends.
2. You are SQUARE ENIX! If you want to be known as one of THE premier game designers in the entire world, and I assume you still do, then you need to be releasing on the latest and greatest consoles, not the wimpy old DS. (Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the DS. But it isn't the platform that most hardcore gamers consider to be the cutting edge.) You need to be pushing the envelope, not sitting back and waiting for everyone to catch up. 3. The DS, a few solid exceptions aside, is not really a platform for rpg titles or rpg gamers. This is my opinion obviously, but I think the ratio of kiddie titles to actual serious games on the DS is somewhere in excess of a million to one. Does Square Enix really think that the same audience that loves Dragon Quest games is going to be the people who own the DS? 3B. If the answer to point number 3 above is "no", then what exactly are you going to be changing about one of the best franchises to date to make it appeal to the sort of people who buy the DS? 4. How could they do this to me after all the slobbering I did in my Dragon Quest VIII review recently? How dumbed down is the Dragon Quest IX game going to be if it is being moved to a second-rate, portable console? 5. Most important of all, does he really think that he is fooling anyone with an iota of intelligence from realizing that this decision is all about cashing in on a name-brand franchise rather than producing a spectacular, innovative title? Granted, Square Enix has been doing a huge amount of cashing in on its Final Fantasy name in recent years with innumerable spinoffs and crappy second-rate titles carrying the Final Fantasy name, but this is going overboard. Square's explanations for why it is making this move are lazy and transparent and I reject them. 6. If I had a scanner right now, you all would be being treated to a high-resolution image of my hairy rear end in response to this decision to avoid letting me play the next Dragon Quest game on either my $600 PS3 or my $400 Xbox360. (Not counting accessories and add-ons.) And let me tell you, my hairy rear end is not simply a LITTLE hairy. You would be looking at the missing link between Neanderthal and human evolution exposed in front of your bleeding, pained eyes. Now obviously, I'm exaggerating at least a little bit of my rage for comic effect, but that doesn't mean that I'm not still ticked off. And I think, at last, I understand why some fanboys get ticked off. They defend their favorite systems because they don't want to have to go off and buy yet another system to get all the games they want to play. If you're a Sony fan, you defend the PS3 because the thought of the next Final Fantasy title going to the 360 is terrifying to you because then it means that you spent $600 and won't get to play one of the flagship games that you spent that money for. I suspect the same argument works with just about any system, PC included. All of you can lie and say that you're just not interested in some of the console games out there, but we all know you are. Just like some of the console gamers want to play some of the PC games. But I am straying from my main point of this post. The main point of this post was that Square Enix has made a terrible decision here and that they have severely pissed off me, one of their loyal customers, to go to extreme measures. I vow, HERE AND NOW, in front of all my readers as witnesses, that I will NOT PURCHASE FINAL FANTASY XIII new from a store. I will only acquire this game second-hand or used. I don't care how long that delays my enjoyment of the game. It needs to be done. A message must be sent. Don't f*** over your loyal fans. Just as I have flat out refused to buy a new HD-DVD add-on or any HD-DVDs because Microsoft screwed me over with their piss-poor add-on accessory, and just as I ripped them for that decision, and I ripped Samsung for their faulty TVs and bad repair service, I must now punish my beloved Square Enix for turning their backs on me. And my dog died today so I'm in a really bad mood anyway.
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