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Sweet Zombie Jesus!

Well, I'm getting into the game a little bit late, but I have finally gotten my 360 back from Microsoft, which means immediately afterwards I hopped on to play Bioshock. Wow. Um.... Wow. Yeah, I think that about covers it. This game is intense. It is creepy. It scares me in a good way like Fear or Condemned has. I love it. With that in mind, here are a couple of observations from my first couple of hours of playing this game. 1. Is it just me, or do parts of this game remind you of Fallout? I speak for both the general, post apocalyptic tone of the game, and more specifically about certain elements. Namely, this game, like Fallout, seems unafraid to push the envelope with mature content and, also like Fallout, has a certain wry, dark humor to it. The animations when you get a new plasmid for example are very Falloutesque. 2. Is this game, at least in part, a social statement of kinds? It almost seems to be a complete indictment of the extreme right (unbridled capitalism) and the extreme left (no moral checks on science and tossing god out altogether) at the same time. 3. I've chosen to not harvest the little sisters. Why do I get the impression I just made the game about ten times harder on myself? 4. On the other hand, unlimited, instantaneous respawns from the vita chamber without the enemies recovering is one hell of an advantage. It takes a bit of the suspense out of things. 5. I got Viva Pinata from Microsoft as a free game for my broken console troubles. I think the ratio of time I'm going to need to spend playing Viva Pinata to unwind for every hour I spend playing Bioshock is going to be about 2-1. 6. A shooter game with a storyline and character development is hailed as the biggest breakthrough for gaming in years...gee, what a surprise. 7. Shooter games with a darker feel to it, like The Darkness or Bioshock, are going to be the next wave of shooter titles. Shooter games where you mow down wave after wave of just plain human soldiers or aliens or what-not without any super powers are SO yesterday. 8. I'd say more, but I need to now go play Viva Pinata. I never thought I'd say those words. What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I type that? More importantly, why am I still typing rather than deleting? Why are my hands slowly drifting towards the submit buttom? WHY GOD, WHY?!