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U.S. Intelligence inserting spies into MMO games.

The United States intelligence agencies are inserting spies into World of Warcraft to catch terrorists. Sample text from article: Be careful who you frag. Having eliminated all terrorism in the real world, the U.S. intelligence community is working to develop software that will detect violent extremists infiltrating World of Warcraft and other massive multiplayer games, according to a data-mining report from the Director of National Intelligence. I've never had a more difficult time deciding on a title for a particular blog topic. I toyed with all sorts of possibilities. "U.S. Intelligence: Now with extra stupid!" "U.S. Intelligence: Feel the irony!" "U.S. Intelligence: Got Stupid?" Feel free to create your own. It's hard to think of another bit of news that equals this one for being both as alarming as all hell, and infinitely hilarious at the same time. This is where my tax dollars are going? (Scary...and funny.) These are the people who are keeping me safe from the threat of global terrorism? (REALLY scary.) These are the folks that so many movies like the Bourne Identity are based off of? (Freaking hilarious!)

Although it does make me worry to play Black and White again. (At one point in that game I had trained my pet monster to take poops on defeated foes. I'm not quite sure how high that would rise on the "violent extremist" scale but it can't possibly rate in my favor when determining how normal my gaming behavior is.) In other news, this is a great sign for fans of Mass Effect who were worried that the sequel would be ruined by EA's acquisition of Bioware. It isn't enough to totally erase all my doubts about the future of this franchise, but at least they are paying attention to one of the very few weak spots in the Mass Effect gaming experience.