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Victory is mine!

Last week I posted about the issues that I had been having getting Microsoft to agree to a replacement console in the event that, if I send m broken 360 in to be repaired again, that it breaks for a 3rd time. I am happy to report that today, I have obtained what I wanted. I escalated from the first level folks up to the supervisors, and from the supervisor's level up to their manager. I got a very nice manager named **** on the line who has given me what I have asked for. My final settlement with Microsoft is as follows: Jim will... Accept the repair process for a second time by sending in his broken 360 and not insist upon a brand new console this time around. He will accept Microsoft at their word that their repair process, complete with new and improved parts, now works perfectly and he will not have any problems for a third time. In return, Microsoft will... Guarantee that if Jim does have a third broken console, he will get a replacement console with no questions asked Get a repaired console with new parts this time Be given a free Viva Pinata game Be given a free extra month of Xbox Live Gold Personally, I consider this a fine solution. I do not feel that I must have a brand new console to obtain satisfaction. I am quite happy with my 360 when it is working. I don't need an Elite/Pro. I don't need HDMI or a larger hard drive. All of these things would be nice, but I didn't require them when I purchased my console and so I cannot in honesty require them now. However, I did require a console that I could trust and rely upon to last me for several years without breaking down. And that is what I am supposedly getting now. The manager who approved my replacement in advance if I have a third broken console has given me his personal contact information, including extension, should I have further problems. And so, I have a honor debt that I must pay now. I consider it just as important to say good things about a company that makes things right as I do to spread bad word of mouth about a company that does things wrong. Just as I, in a previous blog, said bad things about Microsoft for shipping defective consoles, I now must acknowledge that they have, in the end, done the right thing by their customer. They have, once I got past the entry level folks on the phone line, acknowledged their fault and done what is required to make things right, and they are to be commended for it.

And so I do just that. I commend Microsoft here for taking responsibility for ensuring that their customer gets off the phone satisfied. I am pleased with this resolution, and I have kind feelings for how it has ended. Yes, in an ideal world I would not know be preparing to send a broken console in to be repaired a second time. But I must acknowledge that they have done the right thing here and applaud them for it.

Kudos Microsoft! Updated Notes: One other thing for future reference. It seems that Microsoft, like many companies these days, has both U.S. based and offshore phone support. It seems to be pure luck which queue you get into when you call in. However, the offshore support doesn't go up above the supervisor level, whereas the U.S. based support has managers above the supervisors. If you hit a roadblock calling in the first time, try calling back another time and you may get a different escalation path.