Yes, the Chilidragon and I are back home at last. Thanks to everyone who wished us well with the problems we encountered. Your support was really comforting at times. Now then, I originally had thought about doing a long blog post that told of all the trials, tribulations, successes, laughs and tears that we encountered on our long, strange journey. It would have been a human interest story to captivate the world. And then I remembered two things: 1. I'm lazy 2. People come to this site because they want to talk about, read about, and hear about, gaming related stuff.
Because of these two things, I believe that I am in great debt to all my readership. I shall shortly (within a couple of days as I recover from what has to be the largest case of jet lag in history) be whipping up a large new blog post about something gaming related (don't know what yet, so suggestions are welcome) that will make excellent reading material as you're sitting on the can squeezing out that little brown baby. Adieu, adieu.
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