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Something I made...

  Sakura, WTF - NarutoKiba, WTF - NarutoSasuke, WTF - Naruto

  *beep* ( my lunch money....) GIVE ME YOUR LUNCH MONEY!!! (you heard me b*tch...)


 ...I'll get it right)   sasuke(You're such a loser Naruto)     OTHER naruto pic 3...Sasuke)          





   (I'll get it this time...believe it!)

Kakashi//Naruto (quit making an ass of yoursef Naruto just give up...Neji is way cooler)


Sakura Hide (SHUT THE F*CK UP WITH THAT LINE!!! That's why Sasuke is so cooler)

 (I'll stop when you get breast)

                                       (Hey sensei-kakashi! At least I have TWO eyes!)

 (At least I dont have whiskers, I don't have an annyoing phrase, AND at least I have friends)

 (Just for that, I should have a flash-back of my childhood...)

 I was lonely. I didn't have any friends...-

 (Here I come. Last time to give up your lunch money)        

 (NO WAY!!! You can't interrupt a flashback! I'll kick your ass for not letting me finish!)

 (That makes no sense! Why would you have a flashback in the middle of a fight?)

 (Well it's your funeral)    (BYUKAGAN!!!) 


 (Neji's right...I shouldn't had that flashback to waste time)

(Now your lunch money)

 (The hell with this...)


 (What the f*ck?! I didn't teach you that technique yet)

 (It's my show. I can learn what ever the f*ck I want....believe it!)

Sakura Haruno ( I said shut the f*ck up with that catch phrase)

Naruto and Sasuke You got knocked the f*ck out.........BELEIVE IT!!)

Sakura - Excited (You're so cool Sasuke! Did you come up with "believe it" yourself? That's an awesome catch phrase!)

Sasuke! (No you annoying piece of sh*t! Naruto did. He's been saying it...- forget it..Yes I came up with it)