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An Opinion In The Dark: Why The Console War Between PS3 And 360 isn't Ending.

Everywhere on youtube, fanboy sites, and any other website, you will see a text such as this (poster will be unnamed) which was posted on a video about Prototype, on Youtube: "InFamous is obviously better because its on the PS3, which has WAY better graphics then the 360. The 360 is for poor people who can't afford it because they have jobs at Dunkin' Donuts and have one room apartments. Halo, Gears, and any other game on the 360 is gay and should all be buried." Now, we all know this is untrue. I own a 360 myself, and say that the Playstation 3 and Xbox360 are both equal platforms, with equal graphics (IN MY OPINION), and equal games (IM MY OPINION). You can compare any game from one console with another, and have them both just as good (Halo : Killzone, Fable : LBP). The reason is simple, most people side on the console they own. So, you can see that the commentator above owns a PS3, even though he doesn't state it. "As gamers, we should all unite and end this war," That is a comment of someone who sees beyond the "greater graphics, ease, and games" on a system. I see myself as one of those. The two systems said are both equal in both ways, both have pros and cons, one is less expensive, one is more expensive. Anyone looking to buy one of these next-gen systems, listen to the pros, not the ignorant people who argue about which is better. Both are equal and one should not be seen as better or worse.