America's most loathed company out to make friends? How about climbing on top of Repent-Mountain and changing their policies to screw their customers over. That would be a start...
Don't believe a word EA is saying! They will tell you anything to get to your wallets. Here is a user report from someone who dared to point out some actual issues with the always on DRM:
Games don't kill people, neither do guns, but people with guns definitely kill people. Unfortunately, because of abusive power hungry wanna-be tyrants like Yee, he just made the best possible argument for why we need to stock up on ammo and guns.
The argument of Yee, that Gamers should not exercise their Freedom of Speech, because they are in some way "discredited" is typical for people that oppose the civil liberties of a free country. Yee's wish for censorship just reveals that he would be in favor of a dictatorial system in which he can say who does and who doesn't get a voice.
May the constitution and our second amendment rights protect us from people like Yee!
@DarkSaber2k And a bad one too. They should have put in space panda's that use birds as amunition.. I heard that tested really well in the focus group...
The name Bioware means nothing anymore. EA dissolved any association that customers tend to have between them and the quality of what they produce (e.g. Dragon Age2, SWTOR, MassEffect3).SWTOR was and will be the last EA product that I paid for. I am off to greener pastures at Paradox and Kickstarter.
nord1c's comments