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My Beef with the PSP

The PlayStation Portable....Sony's attempt to conquer the handheld market. While it was a failed attempt, you do have to give them credit for breaking in. No one before them has been able to stand up to Nintendo. However, the multimedia may be a bigger contributor to the PSP's success than the games themselves. That's beside the point, though. I'm trying to accumulate several systems from the last-generation, starting with the Xbox and moving on to the PS2. Two that will be left out are the PSP and the Dreamcast (I'm not sure that the PSP can be counted as last-generation, though.)

I really don't want a multimedia device. It's not something I see myself using a lot, so I probably wouldn't have a use for it. Since this is a big function of the PSP, it's already in an unfavorable position to me personally.

The second function is games. I don't like the PSP's games. The library doesn't impress me and the games that might impress don't appeal to me. The flaw in my eyes with the game library is that the games really aren't handheld games. PSP games are more console-game-wannabes (and some such as the Grand Theft Auto Stories series are no longer wannabes through porting) than handheld games. I don't want to play a console-ish game on the go, I want to play a handheld game. That's one of the big areas where the PSP failed to me. It doesn't have "true" handheld games. I don't want to play console-type games ona handheld, I want to play console-type games on a console.

Another big factor for the games is the controls. I hate the control scheme, too. The buttons feel plastic and cheap. The analog stick is really awful. I hate the feel and the placement. This device can be best summed up in one word: awkward. It was placed there to better emulate console games, which I feel handheld games shouldn't try to do. And how can you emulate a console game with only one, and one that's extremely awkward?

Now don't get me wrong, I think the PSP's a good system. I can understand why people would like it. It's just not for mebecause ofthe reasons above.