hi, i'm thinking of buying an x-box 360 soon and naturally trying to make a must-buy list of games.. i couldnt decide about some genres so i'd appreciate if you guys could help me with your experience.. tnx FPS Rainbow six BioShock Halo 3 Half Life 2 (Orange box ) these are certain..
*Time shift i'm not sure..
Football PES 2007 PES 2008
*Fifa, euro 2008 vs is nah, i think they are bad..
Horror FPS FEAR Condemned Condemned 2
*the darkness didnt look so good, but maybe im wrong
RPG Elder Scrolls is certain
*Two worlds, eternal sonata, mass effect, lost odyssey i cant decide
Action Gears of War GTA4
*is Saints row needed when i have gta 4? *assassins creed ve devil may cry was attractive to me but i'm not sure after i read the reviews, they may be boring.. racing forza motorsport 2 project gotham racing burnout paradise burnout revenge i'll pick one of them, i'm not a very good racer bye the way, so i want something light and fun, not a driving sim thats all for now tnx anyway
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