attack its weak point for massive damage
nospig5's forum posts
hey guys,
recently, my flash video (youtube) playback has become like when you listen to a scratched CD,
any ideas on how to fix?
i think a nwe pc buidl is in order, coz when watching the youtube vid, the cpu usages spieks at 100% and stays there for the whole video, then once the video is finished, it drops back to around >25
so yeah, your thoughts on the subject?
currently running a fairly old machine, 1.8ghz AMD sempron 3200+ or somethign utterly terrible like taht
let me light up betty'st1ts for ya - gears 2, lol
if you couldnt tell, this was a joke thread, of course theres not any difference, grapical wise, or power wise, and my opinion on why ps3 has wifi and blu ray and xbox dosent, is ps3 came out a year later, and wen the 360 was released, no1 had wifi, and blu ray barely existed
please explain u r dun make anysense
so, who agrees with me? rofl
360 ftw ps3 sucks anal juice
thatd be brutal as all well, a word i cant say here, rofl, i r dun wun has get moderated
gears of war, coz there r chainsaw on teh guns, that r unbeatable killzone dun ahs chainsaws on guns. so ti sucks balls. and teh fact taht gears r on xbox and killzone r ps3, and ps3 r for nubs rofl
teh openign to hello kitty island adventurer ZOMG good grafics
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