[QUOTE="notchris86"]Where is this preloaded junk at I cannot not find anything to erase on the drive where do I go what do I select How do I find this preloaded crapFlamecommando
My xbox part < system < memory < HD. Here you can choose game saves/videos/music/demos/etc. They usually preload videos/music/demos onto the HD.
There is nothing there to delete all say 0 KB how are some people are able to get up to 17 GB or are these claims false??? tried a complete format of the drive came back 13.9 GB everytime is there a secret trick a command like when you reset to factory defaults **** yes all hard drives only have an estimate my 300 GB maxtor actually registers at 298.1 but seriously MS needs to cut the crap WTF do they need 4 GB of space for Its a gaming console some people claim the 4GB is drivers and meta data thats BS meta data takes kb drivers may be a few MB
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