I cannot figure out how to correctly move the left analog stick and regain control of pegasus after he is knocked out of control by the purple blasts! If someone could please describe in detail the movement I need to do, I'd appreciate it!
I really think this comes down to whether or not you have a preference for 1st or 3rd person. I prefer 3rd, so I happen to like GRAW 2 better. I'm also more impressed with GRAW 2's multiplayer, even though r6v's is nothing to scoff at. Both good games, but I think GRAW 2 is the best.
Rooms with the hovering yellow orbs are save rooms. Just walk in and press up on the d-pad to save. This will also restore your health, so these rooms are valuable. They'll show up as red dots on your map.
Don't feel bad about missing the SOTN boat. I did too, but I'm glad to have the game now because it is a lot of fun.
The original N64 Perfect Dark is one of the best FPS ever made. It was a better, more polished game than Goldeneye was by far. The single player was atmospheric and awesome, and I still think the multiplayer component of that game is the deepest and most awesome FPS mutliplayer ever on a console. So many options, weapon sets, character selections...just so sweet. I'd love to see a remake of the original.lockjaw333
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