That's right I have reached level 47, wow maybe I'll reach in a couple of months the 50th level.
Anyway I have new games now: Vancouver 2010, Final Fantasy XIII, Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing.
Vancouver 2010 is all right, not perfect but it's worth it for relaxing and have fun.
Final Fantasy XIII: OMG OMG OMG I so love this game, my favourite character is for now Snow, he is kickass.
Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing: This game reminds me of Mario Kart 64, it is a great racing game, thank god they have Ryo Hazuki, Shenmue is alive and well people believe it!
Also I got the new manga book of Naruto, volume 47, wow.
Anyway that's all for now so see ya in the boards and stuff.
Bye bye!