Polarizing Games
by ntdogamer44 on Comments
Have you guys ever known of a game that is so polarizing that everybody either loves or hates it? In my opinion, these games are fascinating. They are always games that have taken a bold risk and departed from a generally well loved formula. One that I can think of offhand is Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask (for N64). This game was the sequel of what is arguably one of the best games ever, Ocarina of Time. Almost every gamer who played this game would have been completely happy if Nintendo had put out a game that simply added some more dungeons and some new items to Ocarina of Time. However, instead, Nintendo took a risk and introduced several brand new features, including the three day structure, the idea of transforming masks, and the other species increased role in the game. Don't get me wrong, this is why I love Nintendo, they are willing to take risks instead of taking the easy way out. However, these games seem to inevitably create a divide in their fan base. I think it is because the fact that change will always be liked by some and not liked by others. By creating something different from the norm, Nintendo inevitably risks the loss of some fans who long for what has already been accepted. Just look at the Wii or the DS and you'll see what I mean. What are some of your experiences with polarizing games (or consoles for that matter)? Do you think this radical departure from the accepted is good or bad? What are some other examples of games like this? Please, comment below!
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