Nintendo Power's 20th anninversary!!!
by nulvix on Comments
I just got the latest issue of Nintendo Power, and boy was it interesting. It had lists of the top 20 games on every single Nintendo system. I was surprised to see that only one mario game made it to no. 1, and that was Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii. almost every other console had Zelda at the top of the list, and for the ones that didn't, it was in the top 3. ANimal crossing made 2 lists, both at 19th place for DS and GC, Starfox 64 made it onto the N64 list somewhere, and so did Super Smash Bros. Both other smash bros games made it onto their respective console's lists as well. Other games of note were pikmin, donkey kong country, and Kid Icarus was ont he NES list as well. Overall, a good read, so think about picking one up. If not for the game list reason, it also has many game previews, reviews, interviews, and it includes special screens from the upcoming Sonic Unleashed. And for all you collectors out there, 20th anniversary editions only come out once, plus there's free poster. Now, everyone go out and grab one!