Thanks to croogix I now have to do this.
- I have reading glasses.
- I have an obsession for bugs.
- I once performed a necropsy on a raccoon, with my wife telling me where to cut, etc. (She does it all the time)
- I play Cello, Piano, and Flute.
- I only like Classical Music and Opera, with the exception of three The Who songs and a bit of Shania Twain.
- I always wonder what happened to the days when gas was 25-30 cents a litre.
- I'm generally a lousy gamer witht he exception of Starfox 64, I dominate in that game.
- I once went out and bought 2 GC game, 2 DS games, and 1 Wii game all in one day.
- The games were Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda Windwaker, Pokemon Diamond, Harvest Moon Cute, and Trauma Center New Blood.
- And yes, I do realize this is more than 5 things, but I don't care. I'm offon a rant you see....