OK, so I keep getting emails form nintendo 'cause I registered my wii and DS for an extended warranty (I'm a clutz). Now they send me emails saying what's the top 10 games in Nintendo. Every time ever since brawl came out, it was second. But before it came out, it was first. Mario kart wii was first before it came out, then wii fit replaced it, and now some weird thing that I never heard of is first. Why is that? Brawl is better than all those games combined, and yet it's second as long as new games come out. Just because a game's about to come out doesn't mean it's popular, so why put it first? Is that just for advertising purposes? Ah well, I still say brawl's numero uno.
Another thing... spore is comin' out on sept. 7th, so all evolution/science/monster/domination freaks out there go and pre order! If you don't know what spore is, check it out, seriously it's the best game microsoft has EVER made. guess who did thios simulation game? Maxis. Big wow, eh? XD
Anyways, looks cool to me. Heck, if I could evolve with saw blades on my arms that would be cool. On the other hand, my wife wishes she had a tail. I don't think she'd like it if I cut her up when I hugged her... guess I should have a tail too, eh? heh.