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nurok17 Blog

Long Time

Have not posted in a long time. I have been busy and just forgot about the blog here. lol

Well in the last year I have been MineCrafting it up a lot, playing BC2 and New Vegas are my games of choice now.

Mostly I play MC and have logged a lot of hours on that game across multiple worlds and servers. Its Probably the most addicting game I have ever played. Very fun and awesome. I have hosted 3 different servers of which 1 I cancelled because I did not like the service and 1 was with Brohoster who just shut down all of the sudden one day without notice. I now host on LethalDrive. An amazing new service which is really quality and gaining a ton of awesome features. I have also helped out on a number of other servers that had a great community and great admins.

BC2 is probably my favorite FPS as of late and I cant wate for B3. It is going to be amazing. All the new features DICE is throwing in and the change in direction making it a much more gritty game. The Battlefield franchise has come a long way and I feel will be the leading FPS series pretty soon. COD has reigned king for a while, but I feel they are going to lose the throne with the release of B3. Not just great story telling but some very good gameplay, realism and a darker storyline truly make it a great contender.

New Vegas is awesome. I have loved RPG's for a long time. I only got into them after ps1 came out and FF7 was my game for a long time. Still is at times. lol. But Bethesda has done something amazing with the Fallout franchise and it is very involved, great storyline, great gameplay, and tons of replay value. I almost cant get enough of this game.

All in all have been very busy, playing a lot of games, working, being a new dad and just trying to enjoy life.

MW2 = Amazing

So I've played a little more than 2 full days of MW2 and all I have to say is awesome. This game truly brings a more cinematic experience to video games. It truly evokes an emotional response from you as you see true character development happen. The campaign is phenomenal. I am still working on it on Veteran but I am half way done on Veteran.

Where this game, and any FPS nowadays, truly excels is in the multiplayer. The ranking system is pretty much the same only there are 15 more ranks you can get to (bringing you to 70 instead of 55) and you can still prestige (rerank up again) 10 times. There is more incentive this time though as you can get extra custom class slots so you have more customization at your fingertips.

All in all this is a very solid game. I feel it is a true sequel to the first game and they made many improvements.

My full review to come soon.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

This game is going to rock. I have been watching the video updates of the multiplayer and it looks amazing. A little bit more variety in the settings and a lot more outdoors. It seems like there are a lot of customization options which is awesome. I like that you can call in the AC-130 to take out targets. That just freaking rocks. I have been playing COD4 ... A LOT ... lately. I forgot how fun that game is. It is very fast paced action and you have to be very precise online. I cant wait for the sequel.

Upcoming Games I'm Excited For ...

There are several great games coming out over the next six months.

The game I am the most excited for would have to be Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which is supposed to hi shelves on 12-31-2009. The first game was almost revolutionary in the FPS world. It really felt more like an open world destruction game. You had a set of objectives you had to complete, but the levels were so huge you could always go back and cause more destruction. The only downside is no bad guys would be there to meet you. The completely destructible environments, huge open landscapes, great weapons, wide array of vehicles, and great (though limited options) multiplayer made this game one of a kind. The story was deep. The characters were diverse. And the game kept you laughing and entertained the whole time. The second one seems to just add to this and they have really taken it up a notch. I believe EA saw some of the small downfalls in the original and have aimed to fix that. I look forward to destroying things next year.

The next game I am the most hyped about is Assassin's Creed 2, set to be released 11-17-2009. This game is the definition of action adventure. It's a next-gen Metal Gear Solid from the past (a little weird I know). It is filled with conspiracy, action, tactics, drama, and so much more. This game is easily my favorite action adventure game. The second one continues the story and has added so much to the mechanics of the game and the over all feel. They did not just repackage the previous game. They are making some major changes and not making it such a "numbers" game. This is truly taking feedback and making something of it. Ubisoft has done some great games, and Assassin's Creed is one of their more memorable games. It's unlike anything I have ever played and I look forward to jumping off buildings and assassinating bad guys again in the next chapter of this series.

The biggest launch in entertainment history is what this game is being called, and is expected to release on 11-10-2009. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is one of, if not, the most anticipated games ever. I do have to admit that the COD franchise has been on some rocky terrain in the past. The first one was amazing. The second one was ok. The third one was almost abysmal. And then there was COD4, quite possibly one of the best FPS games ever. A very linear game, but so diverse and challenging it has a lot of replay value. The online gameplay is really where that game is at though. It has one of if not the absolute best online gameplay I have experienced in an FPS. Halo is great, but COD4 is outstanding in this respect. That is what made the game so popular. The COD:MW2 will take it to the next level. It looks like a lot is being added in the experience and perks options and the environments will be a lot more diverse. There seems to be a lot of new cool weapons and add-ons as well. I am very excited for this game and will hopefully get a chance to play it before the new year.

The fourth game in these upcoming games is Bioshock 2. The first Bioshock was probably the creepiest and most out there game I have ever played. It is so much fun though. You just have to go back and play it. There is no real way around it. The lack of multiplayer limits the game but the campaign is so rich. There are so many twists and turns that you don't know what to do. It has that old 20's and 30's feel with a 1960's sci-fi twist. The second game coming out 1-4-2010, is supposed to take this to the next level. From what I have seen there is a major twist in this game, where now you are playing the Big Daddy. Not just any Bid Daddy though, the first Big Daddy. The game looks to be more diverse and have a longer and even better story. You get to explore more of rapture and takes place about a decade after the first one. One of the new additions is multiplayer which will hopefully give the game more replay value. The multiplayer in this game seems to not just be a new simple thing. The creators have gone all out here and have made everything, down to how you start a match, completely interactive. This game will be a keeper. I look forward to my return to Rapture at the beginning of next year.

The fifth and final game, but most certainly not the least important, is Aliens Versus Predator. This game is set to launch on 1-19-2010. This is one of my favorite franchises. I have always loved both sets of movies and even the new ones (AVP movies). The original 2 were awesome. You get to choose which faction you want to be (Alien, PRedator, or Marine). All of which have their strengths and weaknesses. They are now porting the game over to a next-gen system and totally revamping it. This game will quite possibly be the most creepy and thrilling game out there. Sounds like it will be a bit predictable and a little too scripted, but the franchise has always done so well I do not see it turning out bad. The addition of multiplayer will be a great thing as well. I have loved these sci-fi movies and games for years and it is awesome to see Sega and Rebellion at it again to make another great game based off of two of the most deadly species in the galaxy. I am very much so looking forward to this. The most for my inner craving to revisit this world in a new way.

Red Faction: Guerrilla ... Initial Thoughts

This game is amazing! I am a little over 4 hours in and it is quite fun to play. It is very realistic and very huge. There are so many mission types. One of the best open world games ever made. It is unlike any other open world game I have ever played. The story is pretty good so far. Not too deep, so you don't get really involved. However, it is intense and will keep you glued to the seat for along time.

Visually a very appealing game. The destruction is unmatchable. No other game I have ever played has been that detailed in the destructible environments. The closest game is Battlefield Bad Company (BF:BC). This game does not leave the structure intact if you damage it. The game is very detailed as far as I have been able so far.

I will post again when I have gotten further and will review this game in a couple weeks.

New Game Today!

So I will be purchasing Red Faction: Guerilla in a couple hours. I am very excited for this game. I have heard many great things about this franchise. A buddy of mine has played the previous games for years. Unfortunately I have not yet had the pleasure of playing them.

I have read the GameSpot review and several others and feel this will be a great game for me. I love open world environments. Though I am not a huge fan of Third person shooters, this one seems solid. GTA games have always been awesome and I think in these kind of games it can be done well. I do prefer my FPS games but an open world environment where anything is destroy-able is way to good to pass up. I look forward to playing this game and will have my thoughts about it up in a few days.

Until then ...

Fallout 3 ... freakin' sweet.

So I am still playing Fallout 3. That game rocks. You cant beat a huge open world game that is all about destruction and surviving in a nuclear wasteland. You just cant. That takes some serious creativity and patience.

I have been stunned thus far. I am pretty sure I am only about 50% of the way through the game and I have played about 37 hours so far. I am trying to do it all (main and side quests). I have not downloaded any of the DLC's yet, but I plan to eventually. There is so much that goes into playing this game. I just cant imagine how much time and effort went into creating every little detail. The gameplay is so versatile as well. There are so many aspects to the game. There are puzzles to figure out, places to go, people to find, battles, strategy. It's really your all in one game with a huge sci-fi twist.

Probably my favorite part though is the ranking, adding skill points, and perks. I love customizing my character to make it unique. I can customize my character to fit my personal taste. With that and the morality system there is so much replay value in this game. I am hearing stories of people having 200+ hours of game play in this game. That is insane. So ridiculously fun though. The graphics are not always the absolute best the it is very polished and very realistic looking.

My only slight gripe is how you interact with people. It feels so plain and dry sometimes, but I do have to give the developers props for making every character so different in how they respond. Their tone may be pretty much the same as every one else's, but what they say is very unique to each character.

All in all I am very impressed.

GTA4 Rocks ...

This game pretty much rocks. I have been a huge fan of the series. I played the originals back in the day. This franchise has come so far and it is almost like a movie now. It is ridiculous how large and interactive the city is. You can pretty much do anything you want. I am only about 40% of the way through the game as I go on shooting rampages for an hour or two at a time. I have been enjoying this game very much and it really is an open world. I am amazed at how much there is to do and see.

Tactical Shooters ...

I enjoy Rainbow Six. I started playing with the N64 version that came out back in 1999, and I got hooked. For a while after that they were a little to intense for myliking(Rainbow Six 3). You basically were planning the mission beforehand which can be very useful but you spent about 3 times as long doing that than actually playing the missions. Now you could do this in the original N64 version but to me it was not as relevant. When my buddy first got Rainbow Six Vegas after it first came out in 2006. I gotre-addictedto the series.

In this game it is still all about tactics and strategy but you don't really plan the mission beforehand. You can tell your guys where to go in the mission which gives you the tactical feel without theseparationfrom the actual gameplay. You can tell your guys to hold at a door and then breech and clear while you enter from another side of the room. Overall it brought both of the features that made Rainbow Six awesome back in the day (tactical strategy and FPS action) and fused them into one great mess of gameplay.

With Rainbow Six Vegas 2 they took it up a notch and added a ranking system and "points" for certain types of kills to unlock weapons and gain experience. It makes it a more rounded game for me.

I bring this up now because me and a buddy of mine have played it quite a bit lately and I am reminded of how different this franchise of Tom Clancy's is from other FPS games. It not just a run and gun game but it's very strategic and tactical. I love being able to hide behind cover and aim or blind-fire. It makes it so much more real and fun.

This game will never the replace and the run and gun fun of games like Halo or COD for me but it does give me a little variety in my gaming experience which is always nice.

Until next time folks.

Fallout 3 ... My initial thoughts after playing for about 30 hours.

So I posted a while ago about RPG's after playing Fable (1) for the first time. I know I know, the game has been out for a few years but I was a new Xbox Owner almost 3 years ago and have been very into FPS's (they are the most entertaining to me and provide hours of mindless fun). But on to the topic at hand.

I purchased Fallout 3 shortly after Christmas and it is one of the best games I have ever played. Some times a little tooimmersivefor its own good (at least for me because it can be overwhelming for casual gamers). I know this game is intended for the hardcore RPG players out there as it is mentioned there are roughly 100 hours or more of gameplay time in an open-world environment that is just ridiculously huge. It is very fun and very realistic. I find myself losing huge amounts of time playing this game. If I had more time to devote to it I would probably not be so frustrated but as life is I cannot play video games all day every day.

The world is vast and beautiful (in a post-apocalypticand creepy way), the graphical environment that is. There are a ton of little towns and stores where you can meet new characters and get supplies, even get an apartment. You weapons and armor wear down (like other games we know: Oblivion). All in all I have had a lot of fun playing the game but cannot enjoy it to the fullest in the short times playing.

Until next time though.

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